Minutes - 08.06.2024 Retreat



August 6, 2024


The Board of Directors of the newly organized Algona Community School District, in the County of Kossuth, State of Iowa, met in a work session at the Louscher Farm, Algona, Iowa at 5:31pm. on the above date. 


Present:          Lany Mitchell, Andrea Vinci, Todd Louwagie, Tom Nugent, Rodney Davis (arrived 6:25pm)

Absent:          Brent Owen, Jay Limbaugh

Others Present: Superintendent Joe Carter,, Principals Jill Schutjer, James Rotert, Brad Sudol and Rudy Wieck, Janie Eischen


Approve Agenda: Vinci moved to approve the agenda and Mitchell seconded. Motion carried.


CELL PHONE POLICY: A new cell phone policy was implemented in 2023-2024. Principals agreed that the change with the policy led to a more positive and less distracted learning environment.


FINANCIAL FORECAST: Superintendent Carter reviewed expenditures and revenues including those estimated through 2027-2028. The forecast shows that the district will begin a deficit however there is time to plan ahead to balance that out. Possibilities to head off deficit spending include reducing the special education expenditures, increased retirees and the change in AEA dollars and how those funds will come directly to the district.


FACILITIES UPDATE: The current Fieldhouse project will meet previous goals of increasing court space, additional areas for wrestling, a larger weight room and increased track opportunities. The project is currently 3-4 weeks behind schedule. Substantial completion is expected by the end of July 2025. The current estimated cost of a new elementary school is $36 million. A voted general obligation bond at $2.70 would generate the funds needed to build the elementary. By planning ahead in other funds, such as the Management fund, we could reduce that levy to make up for the increase for a general obligation bond thus reducing the tax asking by $1.00 to $1.70. The Titonka debt expires in 2027. 


BEHAVIOR NEEDS: The district currently contracts with Seasons Center to have a full time mental health therapist and two youth school workers. Behavior Interventionists have been implemented in each elementary building. The Middle School has two principals and an At Risk teacher associate. The High School uses a principal, Dean of Students and two counselors. Discussions centered around whether there is a need for additional staff to deal with the most serious behaviors.


A.L.I.C.E. TRAINING: Principals shared their plans for staff training in preparation for any crises that the district may encounter in regards to safety. ALICE training has been provided in the past and the principals plan to continue the training with staff. An optional informational meeting for parents/guardians is being planned for August 20. 


Louwagie moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:06 pm and was seconded by Mitchell. Motion carried.


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Board President Acting Secretary