Minutes - 07.08.2024



Regular Meeting

July 8, 2024


The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


The Board of Directors of the Algona Community School District, in the County of Kossuth, State of Iowa, met in regular session in the Boardroom, Performing Arts Center, 600 S. Hale Street, Algona, Iowa at 7:00pm. on the above date. 


Present:              Lany Mitchell, Tom Nugent, Jay Limbaugh, Rodney Davis, Andrea Vinci 

Absent:               Brent Owen, Todd Louwagie

Others Present: Superintendent Joe Carter, Secretary Lisa Chapman, Molly Montag


All motions are unanimously approved unless noted.


Approve Agenda:  Nugent moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Limbaugh. Motion carried.


Consent Items:   Vinci moved to approve the consent items and Mitchell seconded. Motion carried.


Superintendent Report: Carter gave a summer sports recap. Post season will begin on July 11th at Clear Lake for softball and July 12th at Webster City for baseball. There is one teacher position not filled, High School English, and do not anticipate filling that position this upcoming year. Administration is hopeful that they will be early in the hiring process for 2025-2026. The Fieldhouse is progressing well. The steel building is set to arrive on August 8. The board retreat will be August 6th and the topics currently on the agenda include the cell phone policy, financial forecast, behavior needs and school safety (ALICE) training.



Board Policies-2nd Reading:  Mitchell moved to approve the second reading of the following policies: 503.04 Good Conduct Rule, 503.05 Corporal Punishment, 503.06 Physical Restraint & Seclusion of Students. Seconded by Nugent. Motion carried.



Board Policies 1st Reading: The first reading of board policies was held for the following policies: 504.01 Student Government, 504.02 Student Organizations, 504.04 Student Performances and 504.06 Student Activity Program. The second reading will be held in August.


Appointments: Vinci moved to appoint the following individual(s) for positions for the 2024-2025 school year:

Steve Avery as legal counsel

James Rotert as the Equity Coordinator 

Joe Carter as the Level I Child Abuse Investigator

Algona Police Department as the Level II Child Abuse Investigators

Joe Carter as the Harassment Investigator

Joe Carter, James Rotert, Jared Cecil, Brad Sudol and Jill Schutjer as the 504/ADA Coordinators

Joe Carter as the Affirmative Action Coordinator

Jill Schutjer as the Homeless Coordinator

Seconded by Mitchell. Motion carried.


2024-2025 Legislative Priorities: Nugent moved to approve the following as the priorities of the Algona CSD: 1) Teacher Recruitment & Licensure, 2) Supplemental State Aid, and 3) Mental Health. Seconded by Vinci. Motion carried.


Out of State Football Trip: Vinci moved to approve the leadership retreat to Lanesboro, MN for the senior football players on August 8 through the 9th. Seconded by Mitchell. Motion carried.




Davis moved that it be RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the Algona Community School District in Kossuth County, Iowa, approves the following list of financial institutions to be depositories of the Algona Community School District funds in conformance with all applicable provisions of Iowa Code Chapter 12C.  The Treasurer is hereby authorized to deposit the Algona Community School district funds in amounts not to exceed the maximum approved for each respective financial institution as set out below. Seconded by Limbaugh.



Iowa State Bank Algona, IA $20,500,000

Farmers State Bank Algona, IA $8,000,000

Northwest Bank Algona, IA $9,000,000

Security State Bank Algona, IA $500,000

UMB Des Moines, IA $20,000,000


CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution of the Algona Community School District adopted at a meeting of said public body, duly called and held the 8th day of July, 2024, a quorum being present, as said resolution remains of record in the minutes of said meeting, and it is now in full force and effect.


Dated this 8th day of July, 2024


         _____Lisa Chapman__________________________________

Board Secretary

Algona Community School

Ayes: Davis, Limbaugh, Mitchell, Vinci, Nugent

Nays: None

Absent: Owen, Louwagie


2024-2025 Nutrition Fund Pricing: Vinci moved to increase the cost of meals by $ .10 to keep up with rising food costs. Prices have not been increased since 2019. Mitchell seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Open Enrollment: There are three (3) open enrollment applications filed. Nugent moved to approve the applications. Seconded by Mitchell. Motion carried.


Resignations:   Vinci moved to approve the following resignations: Amber Becker-Teacher Associate and Baylor Rachow-Custodian. Seconded by Nugent. Motion carried.


Contracts:  Limbaugh moved to approve Damaris Eilerts Torres-Translator, Nick Lane-Transportation Director, Shelby Meyer-Teacher Associate at Lucia Wallace and Lilly Divis-Teacher Associate at Lucia Wallace. Seconded by Mitchell. Motion carried.


Mitchell moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:26p.m. Seconded by Vinci. Motion carried.


_______________________________ ______________________________

Board President Board Secretary