Minutes 05.13.2024


Regular Meeting

May 13, 2024


The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


PUBLIC HEARING: The board held a public hearing for the 2023-2024 budget amendment at 7:02pm. Superintendent Carter discussed the reasons for the amendment. The areas for increase include total support service by $720,000 for furniture, fixtures and equipment associated with Benson funding, non-instructional programs by $400,000 due to insurance claim increases and total other expenditures by $7,900,000 due to the Fieldhouse construction project and refunded debt. There were no patrons for comment. Amendment Hearing ended at 7:03pm.


PUBLIC HEARING: The board held a public hearing for the revision of the 2024-2025 Academic Calendar at 7:03pm. The start date was moved back to August 23rd as per state legislation. There were no patrons present for comment. Calendar hearing ended at 7:04pm.


The Board of Directors of the Algona Community School District, in the County of Kossuth, State of Iowa, met in regular session in the Boardroom, Performing Arts Center, 600 S. Hale Street, Algona, Iowa at 7:04pm. on the above date. 


Present:              Lany Mitchell, Tom Nugent, Jay Limbaugh, Todd Louwagie, Rodney Davis, Andrea Vinci (entered at 7:44pm) 

Absent:               Brent Owen

Others Present: Superintendent Joe Carter, Secretary Lisa Chapman, Janie Eischen, Jared Cecil,




All motions are unanimously approved unless noted.


Approve Agenda: Limbaugh moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Mitchell. Motion carried.


Consent Items: Nugent moved to approve the consent items and Louwagie seconded. Motion carried.


Superintendent Report: Superintendent Carter recognized the board for their volunteer service during School Board Appreciation month. Other items noted: the last day of school is May 22, the end of year celebration will be at 2:00pm in the High School Commons, and the district will hold a day for new teachers on June 10. The board was asked to look for dates and topics for a board retreat.



Board Policies-2nd Reading:  Louwagie moved to approve the second reading of the following policies: 502.6 Weapons, 502.8 Search & Seizure, 502.8E1 Search & Seizure Checklist, 502.8R1 Search & Seizure Regulation, 502.9 Interviews of Students by Outside Agencies and 502.10 Use of Motor Vehicles. Seconded by Mitchell. Motion carried.



Graduate List:   Louwagie moved to approve the graduate list presented by Mr. Jared Cecil, High School Principal, pending completion of all graduation requirements. Seconded by Mitchell. Motion carried.


Graduate Proposal: Nugent moved to approve the graduate proposal increasing the number of credits to graduate to 54 by the time the class of 2027 graduates. The current high school students will gradually increase. No changes to the core class credits will change. Seconded by Mitchell. Motion carried.

Cecil exited 7:26pm.


Board Policies 1st Reading: The first reading of board policies was held for the following policies: 503.3 Fines-Fees-Charges, 504.5 School Fundraising, 507.8R1 Special Health Services Regulation, 706.1 Payroll Periods, 706.2 Payroll Deductions, 706.3 Reduction in Employee Pay, 706.3R1 Reduction in Employee Pay
Regulation, 707.1 Presentation & Publication of Financial Reports & Information, 707.2 Treasurer’s Annual Report, 707.3 Publication of Financial Reports, 707.4 Audit. The second reading will be held in June.


National Quiz Bowl Out of State Trip: Mitchell moved to approve the out of state trip for the Quiz Bowl team to attend national competition in New Orleans, LA next week. Seconded by Louwagie. Motion carried.


Equipment Breakdown Insurance:  Limbaugh moved to approve the equipment breakdown insurance policy with SU Insurance in the amount of $66,696 for 2024-2025.  Nugent seconded the motion. Motion carried. 


Budget Amendment: Louwagie moved to approve the budget amendment for the 2023-2024 year increasing total support services by $720,000 for furniture, fixtures and equipment, non-instructional programs by $400,000 due to insurance claim increases and total other expenditures by $7,900,000 due to the Fieldhouse construction project and refunded debt. Seconded by Mitchell. Motion carried.


2024-2025 Calendar Change: Nugent moved to approve the calendar change (to start August 23) for the 2024-2025 academic year. Seconded by Louwagie. Motion carried.


Full Time Substitute Position: Louwagie moved to approve a full time substitute position for the district. This will be a classified position with an hourly rate of $25 per hour. Seconded by Nugent. Motion carried.


Agriculture Instructor Extended Days:  Limbaugh moved to approve the number of extended days from 24 to 30 for additional work days in the summer for the agriculture instructor. Seconded by Mitchell. Motion carried.


Vinci entered the meeting at 7:44pm.


Activities Director Extended Days: Mitchell moved to approve the number of extended days for the Activities Director to 30 days to cover time worked in the summer not currently covered by the regular contract. Seconded by Limbaugh. Motion carried.


Vista Agreement: Vinci moved to approve the agreement for Vista, the financial management software program for the district. The licensing cost based on a per pupil amount is $18,520.00. Seconded by Nugent. Motion carried.


Manson Northwest Webster Consortium Contract: Limbaugh moved to approve the contract for the consortium for the 2024-2025 school year. The contract for educational services is $55,000. What is not used will be reimbursed. The rental cost of the building is $7,000. Seconded by Mitchell. Motion carried.


Open Enrollment: There are three (3) open enrollment applications filed. Limbaugh moved to approve the applications. Seconded by Vinci . Motion carried.


Resignations: Mitchell moved to approve the following resignations: Mallory Zwiefel-MS Teacher Associate, Fall Play & Speech, Merrill Mueller-Director of Transportation, Jamie Kardoes-Transportation Driver, Brad Sudol-MS Girls Basketball, Joe Taylor-HS Special Education Teacher & Special Olympics Coach, Colleen Bowman-MS Student Council Sponsor. Seconded by Nugent. Motion carried.


Dismissals: Limbaugh moved to approve the dismissal of Dan Zeece-Custodian. Seconded by Mitchell. Motion carried.


Contracts: Vinci moved to approve the following contracts pending completion of any and all certifications not already obtained: Mike Dunlap-MS P.E. (.5 FTE), Dana Carroll-MS Social Studies (start January 2025), Trevor Arnold-HS Special Education,  Melissa Carr-Dance Team, Corey Johnson-7th Grade Boys Basketball (split), and Dan Welp-7th Grade Boys Basketball (split), Tori Wakefield-Special Olympics Sponsor, Molly Henderson-MS Quiz Bowl.  Seconded by Limbaugh. Motion carried.


Limbaugh moved to adjourn at 7:57pm. Seconded by Mitchell. Motion carried.


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Board President Board Secretary