410.1 - Substitute Teachers

Personnel serving on a substitute or temporary basis shall be licensed for the positions they are to fill.  Reasonable effort shall be made to fill temporary positions with substitutes who have preparation equivalent to that of the regular contract employee.  In the event such persons are not available, the employment of personnel who are properly licensed is authorized on a purely substitute or temporary basis.

Properly licensed substitutes shall be paid a daily rate for their teaching services with the rate to be set by the Board of Directors (Board).  Substitutes hired for a long term substitute position (defined as 10 or more days for the same employee) will be paid their per diem from the start until the conclusion of that assignment.  The per diem rate will be calculated by dividing the salary value by the total number of contract days for a new teacher in the Annual School Calendar as adopted by the Board.

Substitute teachers will be advised of the current daily rate of pay as well as their per diem pay rate at the beginning of each school year, or upon official approval of an application for substitute teaching.



Legal Reference:        
Iowa Association of School Boards v. PERB,

400 N.W.2d 571 (Iowa 1987).
Iowa Code §§ 20.1, .4(5), .9; Ch.272 (2013).
281 I.A.C. 12.4.


October 11, 2021