605.1 - Instructional Materials Selection

The board has sole discretion to approve instructional materials for the school district.  This authority is delegated to licensed employees to determine which instructional materials, other than textbooks, will be utilized by and purchased by the school district. The Superintendent will provide licensed employees the necessary training to ensure selected instructional materials comply with applicable laws. All instructional materials are available for review upon request and subject to all applicable laws. 

In reviewing current instructional materials for continued use and in selecting additional instructional materials, licensed employees will consider the current and future needs of the school district as well as the changes and the trends in education and society.  It is the responsibility of the superintendent to report to the board the action taken by licensed employees.

In the case of textbooks, the board will make the final decision after receiving a recommendation from the superintendent.  The criteria stated above for selection of other instructional materials will apply to the selection of textbooks.  The superintendent may develop another means for the selection of textbooks.  Textbooks are reviewed as needed and at least every seven (7) years.

Education materials given to the school district must meet the criteria established above.  The gift must be received in compliance with board policy.



Legal Reference:        
Iowa Code §§ 279.8; 280.3, .14; 301 (2013).

281 I.A.C. 12.3(12).

December 12, 2022

August 14, 2023