Minutes - 10.14.2024


Regular Meeting

October 14, 2024


The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


The Board of Directors of the Algona Community School District, in the County of Kossuth, State of Iowa, met in regular session in the Boardroom, Performing Arts Center, 600 S. Hale Street, Algona, Iowa at 7:00pm. on the above date. 


Present:              Tom Nugent, Brent, Owen, Rodney Davis, Andrea Vinci, Todd Louwagie, Lany Mitchell

Absent:               Jay Limbaugh

Others Present: Superintendent Joe Carter, Secretary Lisa Chapman, Janie Eischen, Jared Cecil,  Molly Montag


All motions are unanimously approved unless noted.


Approve Agenda: Owen moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Nugent. Motion carried.


Consent Items: Owen moved to approve the consent items and Louwagie seconded. Motion carried.


Communications to the Board: The board will tour the Fieldhouse on October 18, 2024 at 5:00pm.


Superintendent Report: Carter provided the board with an updated financial report following the submission of the Certified Annual Report. Two areas of measure included the financial solvency ratio (11.89% preliminary) and the unspent authorized budget ratio (20%). Both measures reflect a positive financial outlook. Certified enrollment is up 37 students to 1448. The Iowa Association of School Boards (IASB) Convention will be November 21st. 


Administrative Report:  High School Principal, Jared Cecil, reported to the board about the District Career & Academic Planning process. Even though this is a state requirement, it is a process that Algona CSD had in place prior to the requirement. Components were described. Career understanding, information and exploration are the first three pieces. Post secondary education and post secondary decisions are discussed with the students. Cecil also discussed chronic absenteeism and attendance happenings. Conversations are positive and increasing with parents regarding absences. Cecil shared that attendance is up.



Board Policies-2nd Reading:   Owen moved to approve the second reading of the following policies: 505.1 Student Progress Reports and Conferences, 505.3 Student Honors and Awards, 505.4 Testing Program, 505.5 Graduation Requirements. Seconded by Mitchell. Motion carried.



Board Policies First Reading: The first reading of board policies was held for the following policies: 507.01 Student Health & Immunization Certificates, 507.02 Administration of Medication to Students Authorization, 507.02E1 Administration Consent Form, 507.02E2 Medication to Students, 507.02E3 Delivery of Health Services by the Student, 507.02E4 Parental Authorization & Release Form, 507.03 Communicable Diseases-Students, 507.05 Emergency Plans & Drills, 507.06 Student Insurance, 507.07 Custody & Parental Rights, 507.08 Student Special Health Services, 507.09 Wellness and 700 Purpose of Noninstructional & Business Services. The second reading will be held in November.


Change Order #1 & #2 for the Fieldhouse Project: Change order #1 for $29,154 is material for the shot put pit which was not included in the bid. Change order #2 for $23,010 is for conduit into the building that was not included in the bid. Nugent moved to approve the change orders submitted for the shot put pit and the conduit. Seconded by Louwagie. Motion carried.


Early Retirement Program: Vinci moved to approve the Early Retirement Program. This program states that a teacher must be 55 by June 30, 2025 and have 15 years of service with the district. One percent of their last year salary multiplied by the number of years of service (capped at 25) will be paid in a cash payment to be paid in two payments in July 2025 and January 2026. Also included in the package is $25 for each unused sick day and five (5) years of health insurance. There is a cap of 6 approved applicants with years of service given priority. Seconded by Mitchell.  Motion carried.


IASB Assembly Delegate: Owen moved to appoint Rodney Davis as the IASB Assembly Delegate at the IASB Convention in November. Seconded by Vinci. Motion carried.


Superintendent Goals: Vinci moved to table the Superintendent Goals until November board meeting. Seconded by Mitchell.  Motion carried.


Progress Review Dates: January and June were the dates set for progress review of the superintendent goals. Owen moved to approve the dates stated.  Seconded by Louwagie. Motion carried.


MAG-Special Education Deficit: Vinci moved to approve the request for allowable growth for the special education deficit of $1,017,725.20. Seconded by Louwagie. Motion carried.


Allowable Growth for Limited English Proficiency (LEP): Vinci moved to approve the allowable growth application for dollars spent in excess of funding for Limited English Proficiency in the amount of $89,803.28. Seconded by Nugent. Motion carried.


Out of State Trip for FFA: Owen moved to approve the FFA National Convention trip to Indianapolis, IN. Seconded by Mitchell. Motion carried.


Kossuth County Hazard Mitigation: Louwagie moved to adopt the Hazard Mitigation Plan that will be used to identify vulnerabilities to hazards and mitigation projects to reduce or eliminate this vulnerability. Seconded by Vinci. Motion carried.


Fundraising Request:  Owen moved to approve the girls’ basketball fundraiser to raise funds for new practice jerseys and shorts. The team plans to profit approximately $3,000. Seconded by Vinci. Motion carried.


Open Enrollment:  Vinci moved to approve the five open enrollment applications. Seconded by Owen. Motion carried.


Resignations:  None


Dismissals:  Mitchell moved to approve the dismissal of Collin Penton as a Bertha Godfrey Teacher Associate. Seconded by Vinci. Motion carried.


Contracts:  Vinci moved to approve the following contracts pending completion of any and all certifications not already obtained: Jeannie Farrell-Non Public Teacher for Title I, Myra Miller-Non Public Teacher for Title I, Kylie Barnett-Lucia Wallace Teacher Associate, Morgan Demarais-JV Softball Coach, Josh Strohman-MS Boys Wrestling Coach, Bob Arnold-MS Boys Wrestling Coach, the following volunteers for wrestling-Brian Morgan, Chad Slagle, James Rotert, Jordan Limbaugh, Cody Alesch, Troy Nation, Jay Bjustrom, Corey Bjustrom and volunteer basketball volunteers-Tyler Leiting (Boys Basketball), Blake Elsbecker (Boys Basketball) and Keely Miller and Drew Severson (Girls Basketball).  Seconded by Owen. Motion carried.


Louwagie moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:03p.m. Seconded by Owen. Motion carried.


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Board President                                   Board Secretary