Minutes - 04.08.2024

Minutes - 04.08.2024



Regular Meeting

April 8, 2024


The Board of Directors of the Algona Community School District, in the County of Kossuth, State of Iowa, met in regular session in the Boardroom, Performing Arts Center, 600 S. Hale Street, Algona, Iowa at 7:02pm. on the above date. 


Present:              Lany Mitchell, Tom Nugent, Jay Limbaugh, Todd Louwagie, Rodney Davis, Andrea Vinci

                             Brent Owen

Absent:               None

Others Present: Superintendent Joe Carter, Secretary Lisa Chapman, Jill Schutjer, Joe Taylor, Brad Sudol

Bryan Nelson, Megan, Justin and Riley Ruhnke, Becca, Josie and Matthew Brinkley


The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.




All motions are unanimously approved unless noted.


Approve Agenda: Nugent moved to approve the agenda switching the order of items 7. Superintendent Report and 8. Administrative Report. Seconded by Owen. Motion carried.


Consent Items: Louwagie moved to approve the consent items and Limbaugh seconded. Motion carried.


Administrative Report: Kjerstin Brandt shared information on the Elementary TAG program. Third grade Gifted and Talented students  Matthew Brinkley and Riley Ruhnke presented living projects, Pablo Picasso and Meryl Streep. The students invited the board to attend the TAG Showcase on May 3rd! Brandt, students and parents exited. 7:10pm


Superintendent Report: Superintendent Carter’s report reviewed the legislative updates and staffing/hires. Supplemental state aid was set at 2.5%, increase in minimum salaries, hourly wage increase dollars and a bona fide retirement time period of 1 month are some of the legislative updates highlighted. The Area Education Agencies funding formulas were also changed and will be over 2 years.



Board Policies-2nd Reading:  Louwagie moved to approve the second reading of the following policies: 502.02 Care of School Property/Vandalism, 502.03 Student Expression & Student Publications Code, 502.03R1 Student Expression & Student Publication Code Regulation, 502.04 Student Complaints & Grievances, 502.05 Student Lockers. Seconded by Owen. Motion carried.



Board Policies 1st Reading: The first reading of board policies was held for the following policies: 502.6 Weapons, 502.8 Search & Seizure, 502.8E1 Search & Seizure Checklist, 502.8R1 Search & Seizure Regulation, 502.9 Interviews of Students by Outside Agencies, 502.10 Use of Motor Vehicles. The second reading will be held in May.


2024-2025 Budget: Vinci moved to approve the 2024-2025 budget. Total tax rates are as follows: $9.97-Former Algona, $9.63-Former Lu Verne and $11.31-Former Titonka. The average of these is $10.02 for the district. Seconded by Mithell.  Motion carried.


Budget Guarantee:  Nugent RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the Algona Community School District will levy property taxes for the fiscal year 2024-2025 for the regular program budget adjustments as allowed under section 257.14, Code of Iowa. seconded the motion. Motion carried. Ayes: Davis, Limbaugh, Louwagie, Mitchell, Nugent, Owen, Vince. Nays: None. Motion carried.


Algona Association of Educators Agreement (AAE): Vinci moved to approve the tentative agreement between the AAE and the Algona Community School District. Seconded by Mitchell. The total salary increase is 4.01%. Motion carried.


Wages for Staff Not Covered by a Master Agreement:  Mitchell moved to approve a 4% increase for all other staff not covered by an agreement. Seconded by Vinci. Motion carried.


Middle School Assistant Principal: Limbaugh moved to approve the increase of $10,000 for the Middle School Assistant, Rudy Wieck, due to the additional duties of Restorative Director and to bring him to an average of like positions in the state. Owen seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Iowa Lakes Career Connect Academy Agreement: Vinci moved to approve the contracts for Nurse Aide ($17,084), Automotive Technology ($36,991) and Broadcasting ($141,831). Seconded by Louwagie. Motion carried.


Algona Community School Foundation Members: Limbaugh moved to approve the following appointments to the Foundation board: Morgan Kuecker, Bill Farnham, Jeff Knapp, Liz Stowater and Kirk Hayes.  Seconded by Nugent. Motion carried.


FY2023 Lu Verne Audit: The FY23 audit for Lu Verne CSD was reviewed. This is the final audit for Lu Verne CSD. Mitchell moved to approve the audit and Limbaugh seconded. Motion carried.


Open Enrollment:  Vinci moved to approve the three open enrollment applications. Seconded by Nugent. Motion carried.


Resignations:  Louwagie moved to approve the following resignations: Lili Hou-Middle School Teacher Associate, Joe Ingalls-Middle School Social Studies and Angie Cook-Food Service. Seconded by Mitchell. Motion carried.


Contracts: Nugent moved to approve the following contracts pending completion of any and all certifications not already obtained: Tiffany Petty-Bertha Godfrey Teacher Associate, Chelsea Germer-4th Grade Teacher, Morgan Johnson-Middle School Teacher Associate, Leah Schon-1st Grade Teacher, Abby Deitering-3rd Grade Teacher and Kayla Eilander-3rd Grade Teacher.  Seconded by Vinci. Motion carried.


Closed Session: Owen moved to enter into a closed session at 7:53p.m. to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session. (21.5(1)(i) Progress Review Superintendent). Seconded by Limbaugh. Roll call vote: Davis, Limbaugh, Louwagie, Mitchell, Nugent, Owen and Vinci. Nays: None. Motion carried.


Exited closed session: 8:51pm


Limbaugh moved to adjourn at 8:51pm. Seconded by Louwagie. Motion carried.



Board President Board Secretary

lisa.chapman@a… Tue, 04/09/2024 - 08:25