Minutes - 10.09.23

Minutes - 10.09.23


October 9, 2023


The Board of Directors of the newly organized Algona Community School District, in the County of Kossuth, State of Iowa, met in session in the Boardroom, Performing Arts Center, 600 S. Hale Street, Algona, Iowa at 7:00pm on the above date. 


Present:                Rodney Davis, Jay Limbaugh, Tom Nugent, Lany Mitchell, Todd

                            Louwagie, Andrea Vinci, Brent Owen

Absent:                None

            Others Present:  Superintendent Joe Carter, Board Secretary Lisa Chapman, Jon Hueser,

Reed Wesstman (by Zoom) and Austin Pehl of Atura Architects, Brian      Wilson-KLGA


      Taher, Inc, Food Service Management Company, provided the board with a sample of foods from their catering services with a Taiwanese theme.


All motions are unanimously approved unless noted. 


Vinci moved to approve the agenda as presented. Mitchell seconded the motion. Motion carried.                    

Consent Items: Mitchell moved to approve the consent items and was seconded by Nugent. Motion carried.

COMMUNICATIONS TO THE BOARD: Atura Architecture gave a construction update.       

SUPERINTENDENT REPORT: Carter reviewed a couple of components from the Certified Annual Report. The solvency ratio is at 14.16%. 15% is considered excellent. The Unspent Authorized Balance ended at 20% on June 30. The minimum is 10%-15%, not to exceed 25%.  Certified enrollment will be submitted on Friday, October 13. Due to the reorganization the certified number will increase significantly. Open enrollment into the district is down, also due to the reorganization. The Iowa Association of School Boards Convention will be held November 15th. If interested in attending, board members are to let Lisa Chapman know.

ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: Jon Hueser, Director of Special Education/Student Services provided an overview of the special education enrollment and projects in special education that the district is involved with. One of those projects is the AEA Para-Study. The main focus is developing and implementing a Para-Fade Plan for academic students. Goals are to make the child independent. 


Second Reading of Board Policies: Policies 407.1 Licensed Employee Resignation, 407.2 Licensed Employee Contract Release, 407.3 Early Retirement Policy and 407.4 Licensed Employee Suspension are current with IASB recommendations. Nugent moved to approve the second reading of the policies and seconded by Louwagie. Motion carried.



Early Retirement Program: Superintendent Carter’s recommendations included Eligibility for the proposed program requires reaching the age of 55 by June 30, 2024 and completing 15 years of service in the district. Six applicants would be accepted per year. Priority would be given to the most years of experience. The benefit proposed equals 1% of their last year’s salary multiplied by years of service (capped at 25). Twenty-five dollars per unused sick day and five (5) years of health insurance is also proposed. The intent is to offer this same program for four (4) additional years. Vinci moved to approve the Early Retirement Program as presented with the intention to approve the program for 4 additional years. Mitchell seconded. Ayes-Limbaugh, Vinci, Louwagie, Nugent, Mitchell. Nays-None. Abstain-Davis (spouse is a teacher in the district). Motion carried.                     

First Reading of Board Policies: Policy 405.08 Licensed Employee Evaluation is a new policy to the district but is required. The legal requirements of this policy are outlined in the collective bargaining agreement with the teacher’s association. Carter recommended adding the board policy in addition. Policy 408.2 Licensed Employee Publication or Creation of Material and 408.3 Licensed Employee Tutoring were also read with no recommended changes. A second reading will be held in November. 

IASB Delegate: The IASB Delegate Assembly will be held November 15th at 9am in Des Moines. The three important roles of the assembly include the annual meeting, setting the legislative platform and convening the nominating caucuses to select candidates for the IASB Board of Directors in selected regions. Owen moved to appoint Rodney Davis as the IASB Delegate. Seconded by Mitchell. Motion carried.

Approve Superintendent Goals: Last year’s goals were reviewed. The board set the following goals for the current year: Goal 1: Manage school operations and resources to promote each student’s academic success and well-being.  Goal 2: Cultivate an inclusive, caring, and supportive school community that promotes the academic success and well-being of each student.  Goal 3: Develop and support intellectually rigorous and coherent systems of curriculum, instruction, and assessment to promote each student’s academic success and well-being. Vinci moved to approve the goals and Louwagie seconded. Motion carried.

Progress Review Dates:  Limbaugh moved to set December and April as the two progress dates. Nugent seconded. Motion carried.

Allowable Growth for Special Education Deficits:    Limbaugh moved to approve the request for allowable growth for the special education deficit of $1,017,725.20 from the former Algona CSD and $225,823.31 from the former Lu Verne CSD for a total of $1,243,548.51 for the newly reorganized Algona CSD. Seconded by Mitchell. Motion carried.

Allowable Growth for Limited English Proficiency (LEP):  Nugent moved to approve the allowable growth application for dollars spent in excess of funding for Limited English Proficiency in the amount of $35,856. Seconded by Vinci. Motion carried.

Out of State Trip: Louwagie moved to approve the out of state trip for FFA members to attend the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, IN. Seconded by Limbaugh. Motion carried.

Post Secondary Affiliation Agreement:  Vinci moved to approve the Student Teaching Agreement with Drake University for the current academic year. Seconded by Mitchell. Motion carried.

Funds Merger: Limbaugh moved to approve the merger of the previous Lu Verne CSD funds into the same fund and bank accounts with the previous Algona CSD. This merger will include General Fund, Nutrition, Student Activity, Management, PPEL and SAVE dollars. The district will re-evaluate funds and possible investment opportunities after all books have been combined. Seconded by Vinci. Motion carried.

OPEN ENROLLMENT: Owen moved to approve the nine (9) open enrollment applications received. Seconded by Limbaugh. Motion carried.


CONTRACTS:  Owen moved to approve the following contracts pending completion of any and all certifications not already obtained and background clearing: Roger Elbert-Custodian, Luke Satern-Shared Assistant Girls Wrestling Coach and Rudy Wieck-MS Girls Wrestling Coach. Seconded by Mitchell. Motion carried.

ADJOURN: Limbaugh moved to adjourn at 8:23. Seconded by Owen. Motion carried.



Rodney Davis, President                                             Lisa Chapman, Secretary

lisa.chapman@a… Tue, 10/10/2023 - 09:23