Minutes - 08.14.2023

Minutes - 08.14.2023


August 14, 2023


The Board of Directors of the newly organized Algona Community School District, in the County of Kossuth, State of Iowa, met in session in the Boardroom, Performing Arts Center, 600 S. Hale Street, Algona, Iowa at 7:00pm on the above date. 


Present:                Rodney Davis, Jay Limbaugh, Tom Nugent, Lany Mitchell, Andrea Vinci                     

    Todd Louwagie

Absent:     Brent Owen

Others Present:  Superintendent Joe Carter, Board Secretary Lisa Chapman, Noel McLaughlin, Brian Morgan, Atura Architects Austin Piel & Reed Weston, Janie Eischen, Brian Wilson



All motions are unanimously approved unless noted. 


Nugent moved to approve the agenda as presented. Limbaugh seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Consent Items: Vinci moved to approve the consent items and was seconded by Mitchell. Motion carried.


Communications to the Board: Carter reviewed the objectives of constructing a Field House to house practice and play areas, storage, track opportunities and a weight room. Atura Architects walked through the project. Floor plans were presented and a video was shown depicting the entire structure. Architects fielded design questions from the board regarding parking, flow, room uses, future possibilities. The plan is to be ready to bid the project in November. The city has a collaborative interest to hold their recreational programs at the facility.


Administrative Report-High School Summer School: Noel McLaughlin, High School Counselor, and Brian Morgan, Dean of Students, headed a high school summer school program. They credit communication as a key to their successes. Ten students participated in the program with three students finishing their credits to gain their diplomas. There is another student also with plans to graduate in the near future. Working with the parents and students is the avenue of success for these students stated McLaughlin. Seventeen credits were earned with additional credits to be completed in the next weeks.


Superintendent Report:  Superintendent Carter reviewed staffing. Open positions are down in comparison to the year prior with only a few unfilled. The board retreat conversation was highlighted. Start of school for teachers, new staff and students has begun. Key dates for those wanting to run for school board positions were reviewed.



Fundraising Requests:  Fundraising requests were received from the Dance Team (choreography, costumes, registrations), Football Team (equipment, bags, sled, uniforms), FFA (community service projects, leadership conferences & supplies, greenhouse improvements, the Middle School (Festival of Bands tickets, instruments and equipment), High School Wrestling Cheerleaders (hotels for state tournament), Girls Wrestling (singlets, hotels, iPad, warmups, headgear), Bryant Elementary (indoor & outdoor playground needs, technology) and Bertha Godfrey (outdoor playground needs). Vinci moved to approve the fundraising requests presented and was seconded by Limbaugh. Motion carried.


FEH Demolition:  The district wants to do what the community of Lu Verne wishes with the school building. This proposal is to approve only an agreement with the architect if the demolition is the process chosen by the City of Lu Verne. A services proposal from FEH Design was received to demolish the Lu Verne building in the amount of $75,295. This contract includes bidding documents and construction administration services, not actual demolition. Mitchell moved to approve the agreement with FEH Design. Nugent seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Handbooks: Due to legislative changes, the handbooks are presented to the board in August instead of July. Updates include the policies regarding gender identity, bullying and harassment, cell phone policy. As additional guidance is received on a discipline policy, an addendum will be put to the board for approval. Vinci moved to approve the following handbooks: Middle School Handbook, Elementary Handbook, Preschool Staff Handbook, Preschool Parent Handbook, Coaches Handbook, Business Procedures Handbook, Classified Employee Handbook, Elementary Staff Handbook. Limbaugh seconded the motion. Motion carried.


First Reading of Board Policies: The board reviewed policies 404, 404.R1, 405.1-3, 405.5-6, 405.9 and 401.07. A second reading will be held at the September board meeting.


Second Reading of Board Policies: In July, the board reviewed policies from 2023 legislative updates. The policies included 104, 104.R1,  213, 402.2, 402.05,  408.1,  503.07, 530.07E1, 503.07E2, 505.4, 505.4, 507.2, 507.2E1-4, 601.1, 603.5, 650.1, 605.1R1. Limbaugh moved to approve the second reading of the listed policies. Mitchell seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Iowa Lakes Community College Contracts: Nugent moved to approve the following contracts with ILCC: Auto Tech-$35,987, Broadcast Tech-$138,796, Nurse Aide-$18,838. Limbaugh seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Kossuth Regional Health Center Contract (KRHC): KHRC provides nursing services to the district. The amount of the contract is $97,116. The contract is 1% higher than last fiscal year. This is the first increase in three years. This contract provides nursing services on premise (or by mobile contact) for seven hours per day or when school is in session. Vinci moved to approve the contract and Mitchell seconded. Motion carried.


Open Enrollment: Limbaugh moved to approve the 5 open enrollment applications into Algona and 3 out to West Hancock. Vinci seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Resignations: Nugent moved to approve the following resignations: Alyssa Gremmer-MS Teacher Associate, Krista Kahle-Lucia Wallace Teacher Associate, Jeremy Rummel-MS Boys Wrestling Coach, Kristi Rasmussen-MS Teacher Associate, Faye Schluter-Bus Driver and Cassie Bayliss-Food Service. Mitchell seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Contracts:  Vinci moved to approve the following contracts pending completion of any and all certifications not already obtained and background clearing: Mike Dunlap-Volunteer Assistant Football Coach, Calvin Brandt-1 Year Swimming Coach, Collin Penton-Bertha Godfrey Teacher Associate, Lara Cram-Bryant Teacher Associate, Michelle Tait-Bertha Godfrey Teacher Associate, Belicia Seward-MS Teacher Associate and Adam Orban-Musical Director. Seconded by Limbaugh. Motion carried


Mitchell moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:03pm. Seconded by Limbaugh. Motion carried.



Board President Board Secretary

lisa.chapman@a… Tue, 08/15/2023 - 13:32