Minutes - 08.09.2023 Board Retreat

Minutes - 08.09.2023 Board Retreat



August 9, 2023


The Board of Directors of the newly organized Algona Community School District, in the County of Kossuth, State of Iowa, met in a work session at the Louscher Farm, Algona, Iowa at 5:00pm. on the above date. 


Present:          Rodney Davis, Lany Mitchell, Andrea Vinci, Todd Louwagie Brent Owen (5:39pm)

Absent:           Tom Nugent, Jay Limbaugh

O                          Others Present:  Superintendent Joe Carter, Board Secretary Lisa Chapman, Principals Jill Schutjer, James Rotert, Jared Cecil, Brad Sudol and Rudy Wieck, Janie Eischen


FACILITY PLANNING: A resolution was passed in July in support of a Fieldhouse Project using SAVE funds. This is not a property tax funded project. There will not be an increase to taxpayers in the Algona district to construct the Fieldhouse. The four objectives of building the Fieldhouse include providing more court space, more wrestling practice areas, a larger weight room and opportunities for track. The architect, Atura, will present a fly by video at the regular meeting on Monday, August 14. The city has expressed interest in partnering with the district to fund and use the building. Local banks are preparing proposals which will be helpful in the borrowing process in obtaining a competitive interest rate. The timeline has bids being opened in November and possible construction to begin in 2024. Questions regarding the priority of this project versus an academic building were discussed. It was explained that not only how funding processes allow for the project now, but also how the many issues we face with the space shortage also delve into negative aspects of the academic day.


EARLY RETIREMENT PROGRAM: The advantages of an early retirement program were discussed. Over the next five years it will be prudent for administrators to monitor the budget in order to remain in balance. The early retirement program is one such tool to do this. Varied options for benefits and eligibility were discussed. The district cannot legally approve an early retirement program that affects more than the budget year currently proposed. It can be noted of the district’s intention to continue the program if that is the wish of the board. Early retirement must be approved annually at which time benefits and eligibility can be modified. Administration will continue to put together additional programs and update the current demographics.


INSTRUCTIONAL FRAMEWORK: Janie Eischen, Director of Teaching & Learning presented the plan for instructional framework. The purpose of implementing the instructional framework is to become consistent over all grade levels. The plan involves a process expanding over two years. One priority is to bring all non-proficient students up to proficiency. Getting to that point involves staff at all levels pointing in the same direction. Eischen will continue to work on the plans and strategies to work with staff.


FUTURE SCHOOL SCHEDULES: There are multiple purposes for an increased number of professional development days or shorter school day week. Some of the professional development would include meeting to find ways to meet student achievement goals using data to make those decisions, to help students achieve goals in math, reading and science, and to help meet the district goal to recruit, hire and retain high quality staff members. Variations of how the school day might look were reviewed. Both pros and cons of a four-day school week were discussed including recent research showing increases in negative behavior activities. Some of the pros included improved student engagement, decreased screen time, and increased physical activity. It is also mentioned that a four-day school week has been used as a recruitment tool in other districts. Another area of concern is daycare. This model as discussed would be adding an additional 12-14 days of no school for students. The calendar would not change drastically in the number of days at school. Beginning and end dates would be similar to the current calendar. Discussions with the staff, patrons and community will be held. 



Board President                                                          Board Secretary


lisa.chapman@a… Thu, 08/10/2023 - 10:09