Minutes - 07.10.23

Minutes - 07.10.23



July 10, 2023


The Board of Directors of the newly organized Algona Community School District, in the County of Kossuth, State of Iowa, met in session in the Boardroom, Performing Arts Center, 600 S. Hale Street, Algona, Iowa at 7:00p.m. on the above date. 


Present:              Rodney Davis, Jay Limbaugh, Tom Nugent, Lany Mitchell, Andrea Vinci                     

Absent:   Brent Owen, Todd Louwagie

Others Present:  Superintendent Joe Carter, Board Secretary Lisa Chapman, Jack Limbaugh,  Janie Eischen, Dave Foth, Matt Gillaspie (by Zoom)



The President of the Board of Directors of the Algona Community School District (the "School District") announced that this is the time, place and date to hold a hearing on the Proposed Issuance of Approximately $20,000,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue and Refunding Bonds.  The following persons appeared:

Present: Davis, Limbaugh, Vinci, Mitchell, Nugent

Absent:  Owen, Louwagie

Vacant:  None


President Davis declared the hearing closed with no comments at 7:02pm.



All motions are unanimously approved unless noted. 


Limbaugh moved to approve the agenda as presented. Nugent seconded the motion. Motion carried.



Matt Gillaspie of Piper Sandler reviewed with the board how the district can fund the fieldhouse project including the revenue and possible payments over the span of the debt. Timelines and debt options were also discussed. Gillaspie exited at 7:39pm.


Consent Items: Vinci moved to approve the consent items and was seconded by Mitchell. Motion carried.


Superintendent Report:  Superintendent Carter gave a recap of the summer sports. Carter informed the board that the district still has two unfilled teacher positions. The schematic design from Atura for the Fieldhouse Project was viewed keeping in mind the four main objectives of the district for the project. Board retreat dates were discussed and possible agenda items.



Appoint Legal Counsel:  Nugent moved to appoint Steve Avery as legal counsel for Algona CSD for the 2023-2024 school year. Seconded by Limbaugh. Motion carried.


Resolution Supporting the Proposed Issuance of SAVE Revenue & Refunding Bonds:

The Board of Directors of the Algona Community School District, State of Iowa, met in regular session, in the Performing Arts Center Board Room in the Middle/High School, 600 South Hale Street, Algona, Iowa, at 7:00 P.M., on the above date. There were present President Rodney Dvais in the chair, and the following named Board Members:

Present: Davis, Limbaugh, Vinci, Mitchell, Nugent

Absent:  Owen, Louwagie

Vacant:  None

* * * * * * * *


Director Andrea Vinci introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption.  

Director Lany Mitchell seconded the motion to adopt.  The roll was called, and the vote was:

AYES: Davis, Limbaugh, Mitchell, Nugent, Vinci

NAYS: None


The President declared the Resolution adopted as follows:


WHEREAS, the School District receives revenue from the State of Iowa Secure an Advanced Vision for Education Fund ("SAVE Revenue") pursuant to Iowa Code Section 423F.2; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to Iowa Code Chapter 423F and an election duly held in accordance therewith on September 13, 2022 approving a revenue purpose statement (the "Revenue Purpose Statement"), the Board of Directors is currently entitled to spend SAVE Revenue for school infrastructure purposes; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in need of funds for the following school infrastructure projects: to construct, furnish, and equip a Fieldhouse addition to the Middle/High School building and related remodeling and site improvements; and to currently refund the outstanding School Infrastructure, Sales, Services, and Use Tax Revenue and Refunding Bonds, Series 2021 dated May 4, 2021, including costs of issuance and a debt service reserve fund if required by the purchaser; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has deemed it necessary and advisable that the District issue School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue and Refunding Bonds, which may be issued in one or more series over multiple fiscal years pursuant to Iowa Code Section 423F.2 and 423E.5, in the approximate amount of $20,000,000 for the purpose of providing funds to construct, furnish, and equip a Fieldhouse addition to the Middle/High School building and related remodeling and site improvements; and to currently refund the outstanding School Infrastructure, Sales, Services, and Use Tax Revenue and Refunding Bonds, Series 2021 dated May 4, 2021, including costs of issuance and a debt service reserve fund if required by the purchaser.  Any bond proceeds remaining after completion of this project will be used for other school infrastructure projects as authorized by the School District's Revenue Purpose Statement; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has complied with the provisions of Iowa Code Section 423F.4 by providing notice and holding a public hearing on the proposal to issue such Bonds:

NOW, THEREFORE, it is resolved:

  1. The Board of Directors supports the proposal to issue approximately $20,000,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue and Refunding Bonds, which may be issued in one or more series over multiple fiscal years pursuant to Iowa Code Section 423F.2 and 423E.5, for the purpose of providing funds to construct, furnish, and equip a Fieldhouse addition to the Middle/High School building and related remodeling and site improvements; and to currently refund the outstanding School Infrastructure, Sales, Services, and Use Tax Revenue and Refunding Bonds, Series 2021 dated May 4, 2021, including costs of issuance and a debt service reserve fund if required by the purchaser.  Any bond proceeds remaining after completion of this project will be used for other school infrastructure projects as authorized by the School District's Revenue Purpose Statement.

  2. Eligible electors of the school district have the right to file with the Board Secretary a petition pursuant to Iowa Code Section 423F.4(2)(b), on or before close of business on July 24, 2023, for an election on the proposed bond issuance.  The petition must be signed by eligible electors equal in number to not less than one hundred or thirty percent of those voting at the last preceding election of school officials under Iowa Code Section 277.1, whichever is greater.

  3. In the event a petition containing the required number of valid signatures is filed with the Secretary of the Board on or before close of business on July 24, 2023, the President shall call a meeting of the Board to consider withdrawing the proposed Bond issuance, or directing that the question of the proposed Bond issuance be submitted to the qualified electors of the School District.

If the Board determines to submit the question to the electors, the proposition to be submitted shall be as follows:

Shall the Board of Directors of the Algona Community School District in the County of Kossuth, State of Iowa, be authorized to issue approximately $20,000,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue and Refunding Bonds, which may be issued in one or more series over multiple fiscal years pursuant to Iowa Code Section 423F.2 and 423E.5, in the approximate amount of $20,000,000 for the purpose of providing funds to construct, furnish, and equip a Fieldhouse addition to the Middle/High School building and related remodeling and site improvements; and to currently refund the outstanding School Infrastructure, Sales, Services, and Use Tax Revenue and Refunding Bonds, Series 2021 dated May 4, 2021, including costs of issuance and a debt service reserve fund if required by the purchaser; with any bond proceeds remaining after completion of this project used for other school infrastructure projects as authorized by the School District's Revenue Purpose Statement?

PASSED AND APPROVED this 10th day of July, 2023.


Rodney Davis


President of the Board of Directors



Lisa Chapman


Secretary of the Board of Directors



Appointments: Vinci moved to appoint the following individual(s) for positions for the 2023-24 school year:

James Rotert as the Equity Coordinator for 2023-2024.

Algona Police Department as the Level II Child Abuse Investigators

Joe Carter as the Harassment Investigator

Joe Carter, James Rotert, Jared Cecil, Brad Sudol and Jill Schutjer as the 504/ADA Coordinators

Joe Carter as the Affirmative Action Coordinator

 Jill Schutjer as the Homeless Coordinator

Seconded by Limbaugh. Motion carried.


First Reading of Policies with Legislative Changes: Several policies changed with the legislative action taken in the 2023 Iowa General Assembly session. Changes include employee professional development, student graduation requirements, gender identity/pronoun use and instructional and library materials. All changes were reviewed with the board. The second reading will be held in August.


Second Reading of Policies 210.5, 405.01R, 407.02, 501.02, 604.06 & 800 Series: Limbaugh moved to approve the second readings with updates and changes. Seconded by Nugent. Motion carried.


2023-2024 Legislative Priorities: Limbaugh moved to approve the following as the priorities of the Algona CSD: 1) Teacher Recruitment & Licensure, 2) Supplemental State Aid, and 3) Mental Health. Seconded by Mitchell. Motion carried.


Agreement with the City of Lu Verne to Display Trophies: Nugent moved to approve the agreement with the City of Lu Verne to display the state team trophies or state banners in their facilities from the former Lu Verne CSD. Seconded by Mitchell. Motion carried.


Out of State Football Trip: Limbaugh moved to approve the trip for the senior football players for a leadership retreat in Lanesboro, MN. They will leave August 3rd and return August 4. Seconded by Vinci. Motion carried.


Atura Agreement: Nugent moved to approve the contract with Atura as the architect for the fieldhouse project. Seconded by Limbaugh. Motion carried.


Open Enrollment: Vinci moved to approve the two open enrolment out applications to North Iowa. Seconded by Limbaugh. Motion carried.


Contracts:  Vinci moved to approve the following contracts pending background checks and completion of any and all certifications not already obtained: Amber Limbaugh-Volunteer Volleyball Assistant Coach, Cheyenne Studer-Middle School Girls Basketball Coach. Seconded by Mitchell. Motion carried.


Resignations: Limbaugh moved to the following resignations: Heidi Morris-Teacher Associate at Bertha Godfrey and Michelle Stone-TA at Bertha Godfrey. Seconded by Vinci. Motion carried.


Mitchell moved to adjourn at 8:19pm. Seconded by Limbaugh. Motion carried.



Board President                        Board Secretary

lisa.chapman@a… Tue, 07/11/2023 - 10:07