Minutes - 02.13.23

Minutes - 02.13.23


February 13, 2023


The Board of Directors of the Algona Community School District, in the County of Kossuth, State of Iowa, met in regular session in the Boardroom, Performing Arts Center, 600 S. Hale Street, Algona, Iowa immediately following (7:11pm) the meeting of the newly reorganized Algona CSD on the above date. 


Present:               Davis, Limbaugh, Louwagie, Bartelt, Nugent, Owen, Vinci

Absent:                None

 Others Present:  Superintendent Carter, Secretary Chapman, Janie Eischen, Marc Bracha, Mike 



All motions are unanimously approved unless noted.


Approve Agenda: Vinci moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Nugent. Motion carried.


Consent Items:  Vinci moved to approve the consent items and Limbaugh seconded. Motion carried.


Superintendent Report: Superintendent Carter reviewed finances and spoke to the board about the initial steps of the certified budget. Carter asked the board members to look at their schedules to plan a board work session regarding facilities sometime in March.


Administrative Report: Janie Eischen, Director of Teaching & Learning, reviewed the process for utilizing data.



Teacher Associate Wages: Current wages for the Teacher Associates are low in comparison to industry and community averages. Owen moved to approve an increase in the hiring rate from $11.15 to $13.00. Current staff will be updated in accordance with the increase throughout the department. This wage adjustment will be effective with current payroll. Seconded by Nugent. Motion carried.


Bank Depository Resolution: This resolution was approved at the beginning of the year, but it was felt that the district needed to update the maximums to accommodate current deposits and remain compliant. Owen moved to approve the following resolution and was seconded by Bartelt.


RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the Algona Community School District in Kossuth County, Iowa updated the approved list of financial institutions and the maximum balances for the Algona Community School District funds in conformance with all applicable provisions of Iowa Code Chapter 12C. The Treasurer is hereby authorized to deposit the Algona Community School District funds in amounts not to exceed the maximum approved for each financial institution as set out below:

                  DEPOSITORY NAME                                LOCATION                               MAXIMUM BALANCE

                  Iowa State Bank                                         Algona, Iowa                            $8,000,000

                  Farmers State Bank                                   Algona, Iowa                            $8,000,000

                  Northwest Bank                                         Algona, Iowa                            $8,000,000

                  UMB                                                            Des Moines, Iowa                     $15,000,000

Roll Call Vote: Ayes-Limbaugh, Davis, Owen, Louwagie, Vinci, Nugent, Bartelt. Nays-None. Motion carried.


Board Policies 1st Reading: The first reading of the 700 Series board policies was held. The700 Series policies address non instructional business and operations. There will be a second reading in March.


Resignations:  Nugent moved to approve the following resignations: Janell Freeburg-Bryant Teacher Associate, Brenda Heesch-Bryant Secretary, William Phillips-MS Social Studies Teacher, Jennifer Zannelli-HS English Teacher and Emily Lee-4th Grade Teacher. Seconded by Limbaugh. Motion carried.


Contracts: Vinci moved to approve the following contracts pending completion of any and all certifications not already obtained: Cassie Bayliss-Food Service, Taylor White-Food Service, Krista Valetti-Food Service, Dakota Wait-Food Service, Ben Gatton-MS Boys Track Volunteer Coach, Chrysta Bruns-Lucia Wallace Teacher Associate and Deanna Esser-Lucia Wallace Teacher Associate. Seconded by Louwagie. Motion carried.


Open Enrollment:  Limbaugh moved to approve one open enrollment into the district. Seconded by Owen. Motion carried.


Closed Session:  Owen moved to enter into closed session at 7:52pm citing Iowa Code 21.5(e) to discuss whether to conduct a hearing or to conduct hearings to suspend or expel a student, unless an open session is requested by the student or parent or guardian of the student if the student is a minor. Seconded by Nugent. Roll call vote: Ayes-Bartelt, Nugent, Vinci, Louwagie, Owen, Davis, Limbaugh. Nays-none. Motion carried. All guests exited.


Exited Closed Session at 8:17pm. Guests returned.                .


Long Term Student Suspension:  Superintendent Carter recommended approval of a long term suspension for “Student A”. Owen moved to approve a long term student suspension for Student “A”. Seconded by Nugent. Motion carried.


Adjourn:  Limbaugh moved to adjourn at 8:19pm. Seconded by Owen. Motion carried.



Board President                                                                                                                          Board Secretary

lisa.chapman@a… Tue, 02/14/2023 - 10:06