Minutes - 11.14.22

Minutes - 11.14.22


November 14, 2022


The Board of Directors of the Algona Community School District, in the County of Kossuth, State of Iowa, met in regular session in the Boardroom, Performing Arts Center, 600 S. Hale Street, Algona, Iowa at 7:00pm. on the above date. 


Present:               Davis, Limbaugh, Louwagie, Owen, Nugent, Vinci

Absent:                Bartelt

Others Present:  Superintendent Carter, Secretary Chapman, Principal Brad Sudol, Principal Jill Schutjer, Molli Leiting, Jean Davis, Betsy Becker, Brian Wilson, FFA Members: Aidan Morris, Reid Louwagie, Ian Fehr, Logan Lentz, Jacob Schutter, Ace Studer, Juliann Kofoot, Paige Vileta, Carlee Allen, Avah Merryman, Kara Rotert, Kayla Buscher


All motions are unanimously approved unless noted.


Approve Agenda: Vinci moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Limbaugh. Motion carried.


Consent Items: Nugent moved to approve the consent items and Louwagie seconded. Motion carried.


FFA National Convention Trip-Members of the FFA Chapter reported to the board of their National Convention activities from October 25-October 29 in Indianapolis, IN. Twelve chapter members traveled with area schools. The members visited the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, rodeo, workshops, competitions and tradeshow. A favorite featured speaker was Tamika Catchings. The students reported that meeting new people and experiencing new activities and cities were among their favorite things about the trip. Thanks was given to their instructor Betsy Becker and the board and administration for orchestrating the trip.

FFA members exited at 7:22pm. 


Superintendent Report: Certified Enrollment is up 7.7 students. This is the number that drives funding for the next fiscal year. There are 55 more students than the 2020-2021 school year.

The Iowa Association of School Board Convention will be held this week in Des Moines. President Davis will be attending as the delegate for Algona Schools as well as for the conference. Mr. Carter will also be attending the Thursday session. Nugent will be attending representing the Iowa Association of School Boards.


Administrative Report: Principals Jill Schuter and Brad Sudol and MTSS Coordinator, Molli Leiting, reported about their Walk to Intervention Program. While interventions have always been used, the process in which students used the interventions has changed. The goal is that students are now receiving more intense, targeted interventions. Like groups are assembled to create efficiency. The Interventionists which include, Jean Davis, Heidi Kelley, Jennifer Thilges, Karie Young and Kelsey Throne created schedules for reading and math interventions. FAST screeners and diagnostic assessments are tools used to determine groups. Leiting’s role includes progress monitoring, meeting with teachers about the interventions, using data to make adjustments and informing parents monthly on the students’ progress.


Board Policies 2nd Reading:  Limbaugh moved to approve the second reading of the following board policies: 401.14 Employee Expression, 408.1 Licensed Employee Professional Development, 602.1 Curriculum Development, 602.2 Curriculum Implementation, 602.3 Curriculum Evaluation, 605.2 Instructional and Library Materials Inspection, 605.3 Objection to Instructional and Library Materials, 605.3R1 Reconsideration of Instructional and Library Materials Regulation, 605.3E4 Request to Prohibit a Student from Checking out Specific Library Materials, 605.5 School Library. Policy changes are due to House File 802 dealing with transparency and increased compliance with the requirements of Iowa Code Chapter 279.74. Seconded by Louwagie. Motion carried.


Baseball Backstop: Sande Construction has provided a quote for a new baseball backstop in the amount of $89,865. The Booster Club has committed to contributing $10,000, the Special Advertising funds will contribute $50,000 and the remaining $29,865 will be paid from PPEL/SAVE funds. Vinci moved to accept the bid from Sande Construction and Louwagie seconded. Motion carried.


Sharing Agreements: North Union and North Iowa have inquired about sharing girls wrestling. Approving the agreement would not affect any classifications as girls wrestling does not have classifications. Mr. Carter recommended approval with a cost to outside districts of $200 per wrestler and they would have to provide their own transportation. Louwagie moved to approve the agreements and Vinci seconded. Motion carried.


Memorandum of Understanding Iowa Lakes Community College: Under a state initiative, ILCC is interested in combining and sharing a College and Technical Career Transition Counselor housed at Algona High School. ILCC has received a grant of $133,000 to assist in funding the position. The district will generate operational sharing dollars of 2 FTE, about $15,000. The district would be able to provide this position for three (3) years without any cost to the district. After 3 years the district can separate from the agreement if funding has not been granted. Roles and responsibilities were distributed to the board. Vinci moved to approve this Memorandum of Understanding and its position and Limbaugh seconded. Motion carried.


Girls Wrestling Cheer Coach:  Owen moved to approve the stipend of $1,600 for the Girls Wrestling Cheer Coach due to the increased number of obligations with Middle School and High School Wrestling cheerleaders and events. Seconded by Nugent. Motion carried.


Girls Basketball Fundraiser: Limbaugh moved to approve a Shoot-a-Thon Fundraiser for the Girls Basketball program (grades 7-12). Net proceeds are estimated to be $2,500 that will be used to purchase warm-ups tops and bottoms to be used on game nights. Seconded by Vinci. Motion carried.


SBRC Application:  Nugent moved to approve the SBRC application requesting modified supplemental amounts for on-time funding in increased enrollment for $57,821.40, open enrollment outs in the amount of $83,833.20 and for Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Instruction Beyond 5 Years in the amount of $4,670.19. This funding will provide for instruction and to pay for tuition paid in the current year, but not on previous counts. Nugent noted that this application promotes equity. Seconded by Louwagie. Motion carried.


Van Purchase: Owen moved to approve the purchase of a used 2019 Chevy Express 12-passenger van in the amount of $39,880.00 from Kemna Auto Center. Seconded by Limbaugh. Motion carried. 


Open Enrollment: Vinci moved to approve the three open enrollment in applications received. Seconded by Limbaugh. Motion carried.


Resignations:  Limbaugh moved to approve the following resignations: Bryce Bradley-9th Baseball, Lindsay Struecker-Teacher Associate, Tyler Kraft-½ MS Wrestling, Kory Kuecker-½ MS Wrestling, Daniel Clemons-Food Service, Tanya Zeman-Teacher Associate and Misty Marine-Jensen-Teacher Associate. Seconded by Nugent. Motion carried.


Contracts: Owen moved to approve the following contracts pending completion of any and all certifications not already obtained: James Rotert-MS Girls Wrestling, Kristi Roberts-9/10 Girls Basketball (1 year), Cody Alesch-MS Wrestling, Leah Wilhite-Wrestling Cheer Coach, Vickie Steenhoek-HS/MS Secretary, Megan Eden-Teacher Associate, Lavon Kruse-Teacher Associate, Tyler Leiting-HS Boys Basketball Volunteer, Blake Elsbecker-HS Boys Basketball Volunteer, Mike Ford-HS Girls Basketball Volunteer, Justine Garman-9th Softball, Brian Morgan-HS/MS Wrestling Volunteer, Jay Bjustrom-HS/MS Wrestling Volunteer, Corey Bjustrom-HS/MS Wrestling Volunteer, Shane Meschke-MS Boys Basketball Volunteer (7th), Jeremy Rummel-MS Wrestling, Dave Penton-Bus Driver, Kameryn Etherington-Volunteer Varsity Softball Coach, Jackson Cecil-Volunteer Assistant Boys Basketball, Jessica Kern-Teacher Associate. Seconded by Vinci.. Motion carried.


Adjourn: Limbaugh moved to adjourn at 8:04pm. Seconded by Owen. Motion carried.



Board President Board Secretary

lisa.chapman@a… Tue, 11/15/2022 - 12:54