2019-20 BOARD MINUTES Jen@iowaschool… Sat, 10/31/2020 - 22:37

Minutes - 2019.07.08

Minutes - 2019.07.08

The Board of Education of the Algona Community School District met in regular session on July 8, 2019 in the Board Room.  President Grether called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Directors Bartelt, Davis, Grether, Knudsen, Limbaugh, Nugent and Owen answered roll call.    

Others Present: Joe Carter, Secretary Cooper, Mick Schlievert, Bruce Wolter, Brian Wilson, and Brad Hicks.    

Approve Agenda: Davis moved to approve the agenda as posted, seconded by Knudsen.  Ayes 7,Nays 0, Carried.    

Consent Items: Knudsen moved to approve the consent items with the corrections that were made to the invoices, seconded by Bartelt.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.    

Admin. Report:

  1. The new school website should be up and running by July 9.  A Workshop was held for building principals and office staff earlier in June.    
  2. Joe Carter will be attending the New Superintendent’s Institute in Des Moines on July 15.    
  3. The Algona Foundation Golf Outing and dinner is July 22 at the Algona Country Club.    

New Business:    

  1. Nugent moved to approve the open enrollment requests for the 2019-20 school year, seconded by Limbaugh.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.    
  2. Limbaugh moved to appoint Mary Beth Cooper as Board Secretary, Treasurer and School Business Official for the 2019-20 school year, seconded by Limbaugh.  Ayes 7, Nays 0.  Carried.  President Grether gave Secretary Cooper the oath of office.    
  3. Davis moved to appoint Steve Avery as Legal Counsel for the 2019-20 school year, seconded by Nugent.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.    
  4. Owen moved to approve the Resolution Naming Depositories with the following Resolution:  Resolved, that the Board of Education of the Algona Community School District in Kossuth County, Iowa, approves the following list of financial institutions to be depositories of the Algona Community School District funds in conformance with all authorized to deposit the Algona Community School District funds in amounts not to exceed the maximum approved for each respective financial institution as set out below.    
    Iowa State Bank          Algona, Iowa             $5,000,000    
    Farmers State Bank    Algona, Iowa             $5,000,000    
    Northwest Bank           Algona, Iowa             $5,000,000    
    Bankers Trust             Des Moines, Iowa    $15,000,000    
    Seconded by Bartelt.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.    
  5. Limbaugh moved to approved James Rotert as Equity Coordinator for the 2019-20 school year, seconded by Knudsen.  Ayes 6, Nays 0, Abstain-Grether. Carried.    
  6. Owen moved to approve Brad Sudol as Level I Child Abuse Investigator and Julie Stein as the alternate, seconded by Nugent.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.  
  7. Knudsen moved to approve the Algona Police Department as Level II Child Abuse Investigators, seconded by Bartelt.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.    
  8. Limbaugh moved to appoint James Rotert as Harassment Investigator and Colleen Bowman as Alternate, seconded by Davis.  Ayes 6, Nays 0, Abstain-Grether.  Carried.    
  9. Nugent moved to appoint Jared Cecil as 504/ADA Coordinator, seconded by Davis.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.    
  10. Bartelt moved to appoint Jill Schutjer as Affirmative Action Coordinator, seconded by Bartelt.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.    
  11. Davis moved to appoint Jared Cecil as Homeless Coordinator for the 2019-2020 school year, seconded by Owen.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.    
  12. Owen moved to approve the Middle School Handbook with changes for the 2019-20 school year, seconded by Knudsen.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.    
  13. Owen moved to approve the High School Handbook with changes, seconded by Davis.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.    
  14. Owen moved to approve the Grant Wood AEA Agreement for the 2019-20 school year, seconded by Davis.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.    
  15. Bartelt moved to approve the North Central Consortium for grades 3-12 for the 2019-20 school year, seconded by Knudsen.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.    


  1. Davis moved to approve the resignation for Gregg Wellmann as Assistant Varsity Softball Coach, pending suitable replacement, seconded by Nugent.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.    
  2. Knudsen moved to approve the new contracts of Becca West and Mia Hegarty-Roach as Co-Color Guard Sponsors, Ryan King-Assistant Varsity Boys Basketball Coach, Todd VanOtterloo-Freshman Girl Basketball Coach and Lisa Cassens & Mindi Spear as CoHigh School Quiz Bowl Sponsors, seconded by Owen.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.    

    No further business.  Davis moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m., seconded by Bartelt.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.    

dawn@iowaschoo… Mon, 01/27/2020 - 14:20

Minutes - 2019.08.12

Minutes - 2019.08.12

The Board of Education of the Algona Community School District met in regular session on August 12, 2019 in the Board Room.  President Grether called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Directors Bartelt, Davis, Grether, Knudsen, Limbaugh and Owen answered roll call.  

Members Absent:  Tom Nugent  

Others Present:  Superintendent Carter, Secretary Cooper, Mick Schlievert, Brian Wilson and Brad Hicks.  

Approve Agenda:  Limbaugh moved to approve the agenda as posted, seconded by Owen. Ayes 6, Nays 0, Carried.  

Consent Items:  Bartelt audited invoices and found everything to be in order.  Owen moved to approve the consent items, seconded by Davis.  Ayes 6, Nays 0, Carried.  

Board Reports:

  1. School Board Convention will be held on November 20-21.  We will need to appoint a delegate to the Delegate Assembly.
  2. ​Cheryl Grether announced that she will be resigning from the school board effective November 5, 2019.  Her vacancy will be filled at the regular school election as a two year term.  

Superintendent’s Report:

  1. Supt. Carter congratulated the Softball team and Staff on a great season and a strong representation at the State Softball Tournament.
  2. ​Mr. Adams and the custodial staff have been working hard this summer and have the facilities looking great for students and staff.
  3. ​First day of classes for students in grades 5-12 will be August 23, there will be conferences for Elementary Students on that day.  

New Business:

  1. Limbaugh moved to approve the open enrollment applications for the 2019-20 school year, seconded by Knudsen.  Ayes 6, Nays 0, Carried.
  2. ​Davis moved to approve the FFA out of state trips for the 2019-20 school year, seconded by Owen.  Ayes 6, Nays 0, Carried.
  3. ​Knudsen moved to approve the Nursing Contract with Kossuth Regional Health Center for the 2019-20 school year at a cost of $96,153, seconded by Davis.  Ayes 6, Nays 0, Carried.
  4. ​Limbaugh moved to approve the Coaches Handbook for the 2019-20 school year, seconded by Bartelt.  Ayes 6, Nays 0, Carried. 
  5. ​Davis moved to approve prepayment authorization to Wellmark for the 2019-20 school year, seconded by Knudsen.  Ayes 6, Nays 0, Carried.
  6. ​Bartelt moved to approve the SBRC Request for Modified Allowable Growth for Asbestos Abatement, seconded by Knudsen.  Ayes 6, Nays 0, Carried.
  7. Owen moved to approve the following IASB Legislative Resolutions:  7. Mental Health; 9. Special Education-Federal; 20. Supplemental State Aid and 30. Sharing and Reorganization, seconded by Limbaugh.  Ayes 6, Nays 0, Carried.
  8. ​Knudsen moved to approve the Fundraiser Requests for the 2019-20 school year, seconded by Bartelt.  Ayes 6, Nays 0, Carried.  


  1. Limbaugh moved to approve the resignations of Mike Elsbecker-Head Varsity Baseball Coach, Blair Bradley-Assistant Varsity Baseball Coach, and Joni Lallier-Teacher Associate, seconded by Owen.  Ayes 6, Nays 0, Carried.
  2. ​Knudsen moved to approve the new contracts of Jennifer Kirst-Mock Trial Sponsor, and Mike Weier- Middle School Football Coach, seconded by Davis.  Ayes 6, Nays 0, Carried.  

No further business.  Owen moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 p.m., seconded by Knudsen. Ayes 6, Nays 0, Carried. 


dawn@iowaschoo… Mon, 01/27/2020 - 14:15

Minutes - 2019.09.09

Minutes - 2019.09.09

The Board of Education of the Algona Community School District met in regular session on September 9, 2019 in the Board Room.  President Grether called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.  Directors Bartelt, Davis, Grether, Knudsen, Limbaugh and Nugent answered roll call. 
Members Absent:  Owen 
Others Present:  Superintendent Carter, Secretary Cooper, Brad Sudol and Alan VanOrmer. 
Approve Agenda:  Nugent moved to approve the agenda as posted, seconded by Knudsen. Ayes 6, Nays 0, Carried. 
Consent Items:  Bartelt will audit invoices on Friday, September 13.  Knudsen moved to approve the consent items, seconded by Davis.  Ayes 6, Nays 0, Carried. 
Board Reports:

  1. Board members were assigned buildings to visit during the school year.  Bertha Godfrey – Jay Limbaugh; Bryant – Bruce Knudsen; Lucia Wallace-Brent Owen; Middle School-Rodney Davis & Gloria Bartelt; High School-Tom Nugent & Cheryl Grether. 

Superintendent's Report:

  1. Opening Day enrollment figures look good but we will wait for the official count on October 1.
  2. Staff will have the opportunity to hear fromChris Dorn, an analyst with Safe Havens International.  He will focus on learning the roots and causes of school violence.
  3. On September 18, Supt. Carter will be attending a New Superintendents Conference and on September 19, he will be attending a mentoring meeting, both will take place in Des Moines. 

Administrative Report:

  1. Mr. Sudol gave an update on the new Elementary Playground Equipment.  A big thank you to the community for donating to this project and all the students are loving the new equipment. 

New Business:

  1. Limbaugh moved to approve the open enrollment requests, seconded by Knudsen. Ayes 6, Nays 0, Carried.
  2. Davis moved to approve the Career Connect Programs/Courses; Supplemental Agreement, Broadcasting Technology Contract for Services and Automotive Technology Contract for Services for the 2019-20 school year, seconded by Bartelt.  Ayes 6, Nays 0, Carried. 
  3. Limbaugh moved to approve the Memorandum of Agreement with Community Health & KRHC, seconded by Nugent.  Ayes 6, Nays 0, Carried.
  4. Knudsen moved to appoint Rodney Davis as IASB Convention Delegate, seconded by Bartelt.  Ayes 6, Nays 0, Carried.
  5. Limbaugh made a motion of support for the Archery Club, seconded by Davis.  Ayes 6, Nays 0, Carried. 


  1. Knudsen moved to accept the resignations of Roxanne Page-Custodian, Alexi Weichert-Teacher Associate and Janet Penning-Food Service, seconded by Bartelt.  Ayes 6, Nays 0, Carried.
  2. Davis moved to approve the new contract for Nicole Foertsch-Transportation Associate, Anette Blaha-Polson-Transportation Associate, Michelle Penning-Transportation Associate, Brooke Kramer-Transportation Associate, Jessica Mueller-Transportation Associate, April Karels-Teacher Associate, Colleen Conway-Schiltz-Teacher Associate, Harley Schaffner-Teacher Associate, Ryan King-Assistant Varsity Boys Basketball Coach, Collin Besch-Volunteer Assistant Football Coach and Noah Arrowood-Volunteer Assistant Football Coach, seconded by Knudsen.  Ayes 6, Nays 0, Carried. 

No further business.  Davis moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:30 p.m., seconded by Knudsen. Ayes 6, Nays 0, Carried. 

dawn@iowaschoo… Mon, 01/27/2020 - 14:11

Minutes - 2019.10.14

Minutes - 2019.10.14

The Board of Education of the Algona Community School District met in regular session on October 14, 2019 in the Board Room.  President Grether called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Directors Bartelt, Davis, Grether, Knudsen, Limbaugh, Nugent and Owen answered roll call. 
Others Present:. Superintendent Carter, Secretary Cooper, Jill Schutjer, Jordan Limbaugh, Jack Limbaugh, Mick Schlievert, Brad Heitland, Clark Conner, Phil Stein, Alan VanOrmer, Shelly TerHark, Adam Orban and Brian Wilson. 
Approve Agenda:  Limbaugh moved to approve the agenda as posted, seconded by Knudsen.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried. 
Consent Items:  Grether audited invoices and found everything to be in order.  Davis moved to approve the consent items, seconded by Owen.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried. 
Board Reports:

  1. Superintendent Carter shared with the Board the amount the Algona CSD has saved by utilizing the AEA Purchasing. 

Superintendent’s Report:

  1. Superintendent Carter went over Financial Projections for the School District and what needs to be done to keep the District financially healthy.
  2. Superintendent Carter provided two different Early Retirement Program Models for the Board to think about that would help decrease the District’s expenditures.  Owen moved to set a special meeting to go over the Early Retirement Program Models for October 28, 2019 at 7:00 p.m., seconded by Nugent.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried. 

 Communications to the Board:  Bruce Knudsen thanked the board and Community for the support he has had while serving on the Algona School Board for the past 11 years.

  1. Jack and Jordan Limbaugh gave a presentation on a Community Field Turf.  They asked for the Board’s support as they moved forward with this project. Knudsen moved to endorse support to the Community Turf Committee as they moved forward with the project, seconded by Davis.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried. 

 Administrative Reports:

  1. Mrs. Schutjer gave a report on FAST Screening and what the teachers use this information for.  

Unfinished Business:

  1. Superintendent Carter shared the results of the Board Work Session that was held on September 4.  One of those results was what the board was Most Proud of in the Algona CSD. b  Another result was the Role of the Board and the Role of the Superintendent. c Through the results of a & b, Superintendent Goals for the 2019-2020 school year were established. Owen moved to approve the 2019-2020 Superintendent Goals, seconded by Limbaugh.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried. 

New Business:

  1. Nugent moved to approve the open enrollment requests for the 2019-20 school year, seconded by Davis.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.
  2. Owen moved to support the Girls Wrestling Club, seconded by Knudsen.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.
  3. Limbaugh moved to approve the request to the School Budget Review Committee for Modified Supplemental Amount and Supplemental Aid for the 2019-20 Special Education Program deficit of $734,959.85 or as determined by the Iowa Department of Education following DE audit review, seconded by Davis.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.
  4. Vehicle Insurance Settlment-Informational
  5. Davis moved to approve the out of state high school vocal trip to St. Louis April 30May3, 2020, seconded by Nugent.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried. 


  1. Limbaugh moved to approve the new contracts of Jean Cook-Full Time Custodian; Dave Rich- Part Time High School Band Instructor; Jennifer Marsh-Teacher Associate; Patricia Kuper-Cook’s Assistant; Elizabeth Bradley – Co-Varsity Track Coach; Terri Johnson-Cook; Joseph Flanary-Part Time Custodian; Bobbi Bauer-Teacher Associate; Tony HougeVolunteer Swim Coach, seconded by Bartelt.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried. 

No further business.  Owen moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 p.m., seconded by Knudsen.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried. 


dawn@iowaschoo… Mon, 01/27/2020 - 14:07

Minutes - 2019.10.28 Special Session

Minutes - 2019.10.28 Special Session

The Board of Education of the Algona Community School District met in special session on October 28, 2019 in the Board Room.  President Grether called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.  Directors Bartelt, Davis, Grether, Knudsen, Limbaugh and Nugent answered roll call.  Owen arrived at 6:04 p.m. 
Others Present:  Superintendent Carter, Secretary Cooper, Phil Stein, Lynn McMahon, Clark Conner, Brian Wilson and Rob Roberson. 
Approve Agenda:  Limbaugh moved to approve the agenda as posted, seconded by Knudsen.  Ayes 6, Nays 0, Carried. 
Nugent moved to approve the open enrollment requests for the 2019-2020 school year, seconded by Bartelt.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried. 
Davis moved to approve the purchase of a 2011 Ford Fusion with 76,000 miles from Motor Inn in the amount of $4,500, seconded by Knudsen.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried. 
Davis moved to approve the Early Retirement Package for the 2019-2020 school year and the 2020-2021 school year with the correction on item b. to be 12 years full time and take out the word continuous, seconded by Owen.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried. 
No further business.  Owen moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:30 p.m., seconded by Knudsen.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried. 


dawn@iowaschoo… Mon, 01/27/2020 - 14:06

Minutes - 2019.11.11

Minutes - 2019.11.11

The Board of Education of the Algona Community School District met in regular session on November 11, 2019 in the Board Room.  Vice President Rodney Davis called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Directors Bartelt, Davis, Knudsen, Limbaugh, Nugent and Owen answered roll call. 
Others Present:  Superintendent Carter, Secretary Cooper, Jared Cecil, Todd Louwagie, Merrill Mueller, Kris Schlievert, Phil Stein, Molly Bjustrom, Kjerstin Brandt, Charli Dodds, Ella Petersen, Ashton Leininger, Maya Lentz, Betsy Becker, FFA Students: MaKiley Pesicka, Cameron Leininger, Lilly Divis, Allison Kramer, Joey Schumacher, Collin Casey, Nick Christensen, Jordan Buscher, Declan Braun, Hunter Thilges, Conner Olmstead, Emily Walker, Lilly Vaske, Jaden Spear, Teagan Smith and Student Teacher-Haley Hinrichs. 
Approve Agenda:  Owen moved to approve the agenda as posted, seconded by Knudsen.  Ayes 6, Nays 0, Carried. 
Hearing of Delegations:

  1. Mrs. Bjustrom and Mrs. Brandt’s 5​th​ Grade class wrote essays on what the charateristics of a good middle school student were.  Charli Dodds & Ella Petersen from Mrs. Brandt’s class read their essay.  Ashton Leininger & Maya Lentz from Mrs. Bjustrom’s class read their essays also.  
  2. Mrs. Becker’s FFA Students that attended the National Convention in Indianapolis talked about the Convention and the side trips that they were able to do while there also. 

Consent Items:  Owen audited the November Invoices and found everything to be in order. Owen moved to approve the consent items, seconded by Limbaugh.  Ayes 6, Nays 0, Carried. 
Superintendent’s Report:

  1. Mr. Carter talked about Certified Enrollment this year compared to past years. 

Administrative Reports:

  1. Mr. Cecil talked about the Freshmen and the Seniors and even though they use the same Guidelines, the process for these two classes is completely different. The end result is to graduate young adults who know what they want to do in life. 

New Business:

  1. Nugent moved to approve the open enrollment applications for the 2019-20 school year, seconded by Knudsen.  Ayes 6, Nays 0, Carried.
  2. Owen moved to approve the purchase of a 2021 84 passenger bus in the amount of $139,884, seconded by Barelt.  Ayes 6, Nays 0, Carried. 


  1. Owen moved to approve the new contracts of Erin Kuecker-At Risk TA, Wendy Zhao-EL TA, Stephanie Sullivan-Special Education TA, Rebecca Zittritsch-Cook; Jared Cecil-Volunteer High School Boys Basketball, Corey Bjustrom-Volunteer High School Wrestling, Jay Bjustrom-Volunteer High School Wrestling, Austin Long-Volunteer High School Wrestling, and Joe Teague-Volunteer High School Wrestling,  seconded by Nugent.  Ayes 6, Nays 0, Carried.
  2. Limbaugh moved to accept the resignations of Janet Votteler-Sophomore PLC Leader, Valerie Fakler-Bus Driver and Molly Henderson-Co Science Fair Sponsor, seconded by Bartelt.  Ayes 6, Nays 0, Carried. 

No further business.  Knudsen moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:08 p.m., seconded by Owen. Ayes 6, Nays 0, Carried. 

Jen@iowaschool… Tue, 01/07/2020 - 14:15

Minutes - 2019.12.10

Minutes - 2019.12.10

The Board of Education of the Algona Community School District met in regular session on December 10, 2019 in the boardroom.  Secretary Cooper called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Directors Bartelt, Davis, Louwagie, Nugent and Owen answered roll call.. 
Members Absent:  Limbaugh and Vinci. 
Others Present:  Superintendent Carter, Secretary Cooper, Phil Stein, Alan VanOrmer, Kristy Allison and Mike Vandy. 
Secretary Cooper reported on the canvas of votes and then swore in the elected board members. 
Election of President:  Bartelt nominated Rodney Davis to serve as Board President, seconded by Owen.  Nugent moved to cease nominations for board president, seconded by Owen.  Ayes 5, Nays 0, Carried.  Ballots were tallied and Rodney Davis was elected Board President. Secretary Cooper gave the oath of office to Davis and turned the meeting over to the newly elected Board President. 
Election of Vice President:  Nugent nominated Brent Owen to serve as Vice President, seconded by Louwagie.  Bartelt moved to cease nominations for vice president, seconded by Nugent. Ayes 5, Nays 0, Carried.  Ballots were tallied and Brent Owen was elected Vice President.  Davis gave the oath of office to Owen. 
Approve Agenda:  Bartelt moved to approve the agenda as posted, seconded by Nugent.  Ayes 5, Nays 0, Carried. 
Consent Items:  Davis audited invoices and found everything to be in order.  Owen moved to approve the consent items, seconded by Bartelt.  Ayes 5, Nays 0, Carried. 
Board Reports:  Members of the board shared their experience at the School Board Convention and shared some of the sessions they attended. 
Superintendent’s Report:

  1. Superintendent Carter congratulated the 2019 Varsity Football Team, Coach Jacobson and staff.  
  2. Winter break will begin with a one hour early dismissal on December 20 and classes will resume on January 6.
  3. Prairie Lakes AEA Chief, Jeff Herzberg, is resigning at the end of the year and Superintendent Carter has been asked to serve on the focus group and interview team. He will be meeting on January 6 for the focus group and January 27 & 28 for the interviews. 
  4. The Superintendent’s Advisory Council (SAC) has been meeting throughout the first semester.  e The Special Ed weighted enrollment for 2019 is very comparable to 2018. This year’s enrollment is slightly higher than last year. 

 Administrative Reports:

  1. Mr. Rotert was to give a report to the board but because of the change in the meeting, Mr. Rotert had coaching responsibilities for wrestling so he will present to the board in January. 

New Business:

  1. Bartelt moved to approve the open enrollment requests for the 2019-20 school year, seconded by Nugent.  Ayes 5, Nays 0, Carried.
  2. Owen moved to approve the Marco Lease Update, seconded by Louwagie.  Ayes 5, Nays 0, Carried.
  3. Nugent moved to approve the request to the School Budget Review Committee for modified supplemental amount and supplemental aid for the 2020-21 Drop Out Prevention Program in the amount of $411,402 for expenditures necessary to implement the 2020-21 At-Risk Dropout Prevention Program as approved by the Algona Community School District Board of Education, seconded by Owen.  Ayes: Bartelt, Davis, Louwagie Nugent & Owen.  Nays 0, Carried.
  4. Louwagie moved to approve an out of state trip for the TAG students to attend a show at the Chanhassen Theatre to gain knowledge in theatre, dance and design as well as the culinary arts, seconded by Bartelt.  Ayes 5, Nays 0, Carried.
  5. Owen moved to approve the Iowa Net High Academy Agreement, seconded by Louwagie.  Ayes 5, Nays 0, Carried.
  6. Owen moved to approve authorized signers on all deposit accounts at Iowa State Bank, Farmers State Bank and Northwest Bank to be Superintendent Joe Carter, Secretary Mary Beth Cooper and President Rodney Davis.  Anyone other than these names will be taken off the signature cards, seconded by Nugent.  Ayes 5, Nays 0, Carried.
  7. Bartelt moved to appoint Brent Owen as Kossuth County Conference Board Member, seconded by Nugent.  Ayes 5, Nays 0, Carried.
  8. Motion was made by Louwagie, seconded by Bartelt to authorize the district’s administration to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee in the amount of $163,532.22 for MSA for the purpose of increase in enrollment, open enrolled out students and LEP instruction beyond five years for resident students.  Ayes 5, Nays 0, Carried.
  9. Nugent moved to set the Date & Time of a public hearing for the 2020-21 calendar for January 13, 2020 at 7:00 p.m., seconded by Owen.  Ayes 5, Nays 0, Carried.
  10. Bartelt moved to changed the February Board meeting date from February 10, 2020 to February 17, 2020, seconded by Louwagie.  Ayes 5, Nays 0, Carried. 


  1. Owen moved to approve the new contracts of Mike Weier-Sophomore PLC Leader, Holly Waltz-Science Fair Co-Leader, Todd TerHark-Volunteer Coach for Middle School Girls Basketball, Chad Slagle-Head Baseball Coach and Todd VanOtterloo-Head Softball Coach, seconded by Louwagie.  Ayes 5, Nays 0, Carried.
  2. Owen moved to accept the resignation of Julie Collison as 8​th​ Grade Volleyball and 7​th Grade Girls Track pending suitable replacement for the 7​th​ Grade Girls Track Coaching position, seconded by Louwaie.  Ayes 5, Nays 0, Carried. 

 No further business.  Owen moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 p.m., seconded by Bartelt. Ayes 5, Nays 0, Carried. 

Jen@iowaschool… Tue, 01/07/2020 - 14:16

Minutes - 2020.01.13

Minutes - 2020.01.13


A public hearing was held for discussion on the 2020-2021 School Calendar.  There were no written objections and no oral objections. Hearing closed at 7:09 p.m.


The Board of Education of the Algona Community School District met in regular session on January 13, 2020 in the Board Room.  President Davis called the meeting to order at 7:09 p.m. Directors Bartelt, Davis, Limbaugh, Louwagie, Nugent, Owen and Vinci answered roll call.

Others Present:  Superintendent Carter, Secretary Cooper, Phil Stein, James Rotert, Alan VanOrmer and  Brian Wilson.

Approve Agenda:  Limbaugh moved to approve the agenda as posted, seconded by Bartelt.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.

Consent Items:  Bartelt audited invoices and found everything to be in order.  Nugent moved to approve the consent items, seconded by Louwagie.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.

Superintendent’s Report:

  1.  IASB will be hosting a Regional Workshop: “Leadership Essentials for School Boards”, in Algona on January 22.

  2. The Algona Turf Project Community Group has raised some very significant funds over the past month.  The group received a $500,000 pledge from the Don Tietz Foundation. The group has also received a $50,000 pledge from the Limbaugh Family, Farmers State Bank and the Algona Booster Club.  Many of these gifts will be paid out over a 5-10 year time period.

  3. February 10 & 11 Superintedent Carter will be heading to Des Moines to participate in the Legislative Education Advocacy Event.

Administrative Report:

  1.  Mr. Rotert spoke about the Middle School FAST & ISASP Data

New Business:

  1.  Owen moved to approve the 2020-2021 School Calendar, seconded by Nugent.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.

  2. Owen moved to recommend Beck Engineering from Spirit Lake as the Engineering Firm to work on the Turf Field.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.

  3. Open Enrollment – None


  1.  Vinci moved to approve Danelle VanGorkom as Co-Drill Team Sponsor for the 2019-2020 school year at 40%, seconded by Limbaugh.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.

  2. Limbaugh moved to approve the resignations of Pete Waltz-8th Grade Boys Basketball Coach; Debra Steven-Cook Assistant; Todd VanOtterloo-Assistant Varsity Football Coach; and Early Retirements of: Peg Vanderhoff-Special Education(Garrigan); Chris Gerhardt-High School Industrial Technology; Clark Conner-Middle/High School Industrial Technology; Rich Collison-Middle School Physical Education; Shelly TerHark-High School Business/7-12 Athletic Director; Ron Swalve-3rd Grade Teacher; Lynn McMahon-High School Family Consumer Science, seconded by Louwagie.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.

No further business.  Bartelt moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 p.m., seconded by Limbaugh.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.


dawn@iowaschoo… Mon, 01/27/2020 - 14:52

Minutes - 2020.02.17

Minutes - 2020.02.17


FEBRUARY 17, 2020


The Board of Education of the Algona Community School District met in regular session on February 17, 2020 in the Board Room.  President Davis called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Directors Davis, Limbaugh, Louwagie and Vinci answered roll call.


Members Absent:  Bartelt, Nugent and Owen.


Others Present:  Superintendent Carter, Secretary Cooper, Jill Schutjer, Alan VanOrmer and Brian Wilson.


Approve Agenda: Due to the weather and absence of three board members, the board decided to table the Performance Review of the Superintendent until the March 9 meeting. Vinci moved to approve the agenda with the above correction, seconded by Louwagie.  Ayes 4, Nays 0, Carried.

Consent Items:  Louwagie audited invoices and found everything to be in order. There were 4 checks that were written after the list of invoices was completed, so there was an addition of those invoices for the board to approve.  Limbaugh moved to approve the consent items, seconded by Vinci. Ayes 4, Nays 0, Carried.


Communications to the Board:

Matt Gillaspie from Piper Sandler talked to the board about their financial options in funding the Turf Field Project.


Superintendent’s Report:

  1.  On Jan. 30, IASB held a workshop in Algona for School Board Members.  Supt. Carter reported that it was a good workshop and taught the board about best practices in regards to School Board communications with the community as well as the Superintendent.

  2. Supt. Carter attended the Legislative Advocacy summit in Des Moines on Feb. 10-11.  He had the opportunity to speak with many educational lobbyists and legislators.

  3. Supt. Carter shared a Standard Hiring Practice that he developed to help with the hiring process this spring and beyond.


Administrative Report:

  1.  Supt. Carter and Mrs. Schutjer reviewed ISASP for the district which was overall very good.  The students were proficient in ELA and Math above the state average. The Post-Secondary readiness index Career & Technical Education was also above the state average.  We are very proud of our students and staff!

New Business:

  1.  Vinci moved to approve Option 2 for rent of the bus barn facility which will be $13,500 rent per year and the Kossuth County Fair Board will pay the AMU electric bill, seconded by Louwagie.  Ayes 4, Nays 0, Carried.

  2. Louwagie moved to approve the open enrollment applications, seconded by Vinci.  Ayes 4, Nays 0, Carried.



  1.  Vinci moved to approve Brenda Rea-Special Ed TA; Ryan King-Asst. Softball Coach; Andy Jacobson-Activities Director; Molly Bjustrom-Third Grade Teacher; Ty Nichols-Middle School PE Teacher; and Kaden Wadle-Asst. Baseball Coach, seconded by Limbaugh.  Ayes 4, Nays 0, Carried.

  2. Limbaugh moved to approve the resignations of Kayla Limbaugh-4th Grade Teacher/Asst. Volleyball Coach and Becky Zittritsch-Food Service, seconded by Louwagie.  Ayes 4, Nays 0, Carried.


Closed Session 21.5(1)(i) Superintendent Performance Review-TABLED until March 9, 2020


No further business.  Louwagie moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 p.m., seconded by Vinci.  Ayes 4, Nays 0, Carried.

jcarter@algona… Tue, 02/18/2020 - 12:22

Minutes - 2020.03.09

Minutes - 2020.03.09


MARCH 9, 2020


The Board of Education of the Algona Community School District met in regular session on March 9, 2020 in the Board Room.  President Davis called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Directors Bartelt, Davis, Limbaugh, Louwagie, Nugent, Owen and Vinci answered roll call.


Others Present:  Superintendent Carter, Secretary Cooper, Marisa Merkel, James Rotert, Phil Stein, Alan VanOrmer and Brian Wilson.


Approve Agenda:  Nugent moved to approve the agenda as posted, seconded by Bartelt.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.


Consent Items:  Nugent audited invoices and found everything to be in order.  Vinci moved to approve the consent items, seconded by Limbaugh.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.


Board Reports- Davis reported on a Board President Workshop that he attended that was sponsored by IASB.


Superintendent Reports:

a. Preliminary 2020-2021 Budget – Superintendent Carter went over key points that make up the budget and the parts of the budget that the school board actually has control over.  The tax rate will be about the same as last year.

b. Classified Staff Retirement Program – The Board asked Supt. Carter to bring different examples to the April Board Meeting.


Administrative Reports:

a  Mr. Rotert and Mrs. Merkel reported on the different classes they are offering the middle school students.  Mrs. Merkel is teaching a sound effects class that the students are very engaged in. The Middle School is also going to have a Marine Biology class that will show them what it will be like to Scuba Dive.


New Business:

a  Limbaugh moved to approve the use of SAVE & PPEL financing for the Turf Field Project, seconded by Owen.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.

b  Louwagie moved to approve the appointment of Bill Farnham and Ben Kern as Foundation Representatives, seconded by Bartelt.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.

c   Louwagie moved to adopt the following resolution:  RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of the Algona Community School District, will levy property taxes for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 for the regular program budget adjustment as allowed under section 257.14, Code of Iowa, seconded by Limbaugh.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.

d  Vinci moved to approve the open enrollment applications for the 2020-21 school year as they were filed in a timely manner, seconded by Owen.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.

e  Owen moved to approve the Agreement with the Kossuth County Emergency Management Commission, seconded by Bartelt.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.

f   Limbaugh moved to approve the Cooperative Agreement for Pre-Service Clinical Placement with the University of Northern Iowa, seconded by Vinci.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.

g  Owen moved to approve the Iowa Local Government Risk Pool Commission Natural Gas Program Agreement effective July 1, 2020, seconded by Nugent.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.



a  Vinci moved to approve the new contracts of Jason Bradley- Assistant HS Track Volunteer; Kristi Roberts-MS Girls Track Coach; Kevin Kahler-8th Grade Boys Basketball Coach; Sara Fisher-4th Grade Teacher; Kory Kuecker-MS/HS Industrial Technology Teacher; Samantha Gade-Elementary/MS PE Teacher and Head Volleyball Coach; Shelly Louwagie-HS FCS Teacher; Shelby Berte-MS FCS Teacher; Nicholas Liebl-HS Band Teacher; Marty Wadle-Spring Driver Education Teacher; Ron Patterson-Spring Driver Education Teacher; Dave Wieland-Spring Driver Education Teacher and Jason Moser-Food Service Transportation, seconded by Bartelt.  Ayes 6, Nays 0, Abstained-Louwagie. Carried.

b  Limbaugh moved to approve the resignations of the following positions, pending suitable replacements:  Noel McLaughlin-Head Boys Basketball Coach; Kevin Kahler-Freshman Boys Basketball Coach, Jim Fisher-Head Swimming Coach(2021); Rachel Nickles-Cook’s Assistant; Tong-Uk Yi-Co Head Girls Track Coach; and Heather Pesicka-MS & HS Cheerleader Sponsor, seconded by Louwagie.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.


Owen moved to go into Closed Session at 8:25 p.m. according to Iowa Code 21.5(1)(i) –Superintendent Performance Review, seconded by Bartelt.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.


Limbaugh moved to go into open session at 9:00 p.m., seconded by Louwagie.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.


No further business.  Owen moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:01 p.m., seconded by Vinci.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.

jcarter@algona… Fri, 03/13/2020 - 12:18

Minutes - 2020.03.13 (Special Session)

Minutes - 2020.03.13 (Special Session)


MARCH 13, 2020


The Board of Education of the Algona Community School District met in special session on March 13, 2020 in the Conference Room in Central Administration.  President Davis called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m.  Directors Davis, Limbaugh, Louwagie, Nugent, Owen and Vinci answered roll call.


Member Absent:  Bartelt


Others Present:  Superintendent Carter & Secretary Cooper.


Approve Agenda:  Owen moved to approve the agenda as posted, seconded by Limbaugh.  Ayes 6, Nays 0, Carried.


Owen move to set the date and time for the 2020-2021 Budget Public Hearing for Monday, April 13, 2020 at 7:00 p.m., seconded by Nugent.  Ayes 6, Nays 0, Carried.


No further business.  Vinci moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:31 a.m., seconded by Louwagie.  Ayes 6, Nays 0, Carried.

jcarter@algona… Fri, 03/13/2020 - 12:42

Minutes - 2020.03.17 Special Session

Minutes - 2020.03.17 Special Session


MARCH 17, 2020


The Board of Education of the Algona Community School District met in special session on March 17, 2020 in the Conference Room in Central Administration.  President Davis called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.  Directors Davis, Limbaugh, Louwagie, Nugent, Owen and Vinci answered roll call.  Bartelt arrived at 8:32 a.m.

Others Present:  Superintendent Carter, Secretary Cooper and Brian Wilson.

Approve Agenda:  Louwagie moved to approve the agenda with an addition to the agenda: Pay hourly staff contracted hours & maintain benefits as normal for the 4 week period beginning March 16 & ending April 10, 2020, seconded by Vinci.  Ayes 5, Nays 0, Carried.

Nugent moved to approve to set date and time for the bid letting and public hearing for the turf field project as April 10, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. for the bid letting and April 13, 2020 at 6:45 p.m. for the public hearing for the turf field project, seconded by Owen.  Ayes 6, Nays 0, Carried.

Vinci moved to approve to pay hourly staff contracted hours and maintain benefits as normal for the 4 week period beginning March 16 and ending April 10, 2020, seconded by Bartelt.  Ayes 6, Nays 0, Carried.

No further business.  Owen moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 a.m., seconded by Louwagie.  Ayes 6, Nays 0, Carried.

mbcooper@algon… Wed, 03/18/2020 - 14:18

Minutes - 2020.04.13

Minutes - 2020.04.13


APRIL 13, 2020


The Board of Education of the Algona Community School District met in regular session on April 13, 2020.  President Davis, Superintendent Carter and Secretary Cooper were in the Board Room, Bartelt, Limbaugh, Louwagie, Nugent, Owen and Vinci were present via Zoom.


Others Present on Zoom:  Brian Wilson, Crystal Menage, Jennifer Erpelding, Rod Beenken, Sheila Stecker, Wendy Johnson, Harry B., Clark Conner, Chuck Reding, Rita Menke, Ryan King, Sheryl Carroll, Geri Reising, A Wiertzema, Brian Connick, Jack Limbaugh, Zoe Dau, Jean Davis, Jill Nelson, Brad Sudol, Brad Beck, Kelsey Throne, Colleen Bowman, Kristy Allison.

Others Present in Board Room: Rick Adams & Bryan Nelson.




The public hearing for Bid Proposals for the Turf Field Project was called to order at 6:45 p.m.

There were no oral or written objections.  The public hearing was adjourned at 6:50 p.m.




The public hearing for the 2020-2021 Budget was called to order at 7:00 p.m.  Superintendent Carter shared that the tax rate for FY 21 would be 10.69 which is lower than FY20.  There were no written or oral objections.  The public hearing was adjourned at 7:02 p.m.




The regular meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m.  


Approve Agenda:  Owen moved to approve the agenda with a change of moving Approving Turf Field Project up after approving the agenda, seconded by Nugent.  Roll Call vote was taken.  Bartelt-Yes; Davis-Yes; Limbaugh-Yes; Louwagie-Yes; Nugent-Yes; Owen-Yes; and Vinci-Yes.  Nays-0.  Carried.


Owen moved to approve awarding the bid for the Turf Field Project to Nemaha Sports Construction in the amount of $1,197,482.23, seconded by Limbaugh.  Roll Call vote was taken.  Bartel-Yes; Davis-Yes; Limbaugh-Yes; Louwagie-Yes; Nugent-Yes; Owen-Yes; and Vinci-Yes.  Nays-0.  Carried.


Consent Items:  Davis audited invoices and found everything to be in order.  There were 3 additional refund checks for the vocal trip that was cancelled and an additional amount of $140 to American Glass.  Nugent moved to approve the consent items, seconded by Vinci.  Roll Call vote was taken.  Bartelt-Yes; Davis-Yes; Limbaugh-Yes; Louwagie-Yes; Nugent-Yes; Owen-Yes and Vinci-Yes.  Nays-0.  Carried.


APRIL 13, 2020


Administrative Report:

  1.  Mr. Sudol reported on preliminary numbers for preschool and Kindergarten.


Superintendent’s Report:

  1.  Superintendent Carter talked about the school district’s continuous learning plan that was turned in to the Department of Education.  There is a list of expectations and processes that have been developed to provide Voluntary Educational Enrichment Opportunities for our students and families.


New Business:

  1.  Bartelt moved to approve the open enrollment applications for the 2020-2021 school year, seconded by Louwagie. Roll Call vote was taken.  Bartelt-Yes; Davis-Yes; Limbaugh-Yes; Louwagie-Yes; Nugent-Yes; Owen-Yes; and Vinci-Yes.  Nays-0.  Carried.

  2. Louwagie moved to approve the Pandemic Response and Emergence Suspension of Policy, seconded by Vinci.  Roll Call vote was taken.  Bartelt-Yes; Davis-Yes; Limbaugh-Yes; Louwagie-Yes; Nugent-Yes; Owen-Yes and Vinci-Yes.  Nays-0.  Carried.

  3. Nugent moved to approve the AEA Purchasing Agreement for the 2020-2021 school year, seconded by Owen.  Roll Call vote was taken.  Bartelt-Yes; Davis-Yes; Limbaugh-Yes; Louwagie-Yes; Nugent-Yes; Owen-Yes and Vinci-Yes.  Nays-0.  Carried.

  4. Bartelt moved to approve Timberline Billing Service Agreement for the 2020-21 school year, seconded by Owen.  Roll Call vote was taken.  Bartelt-Yes; Davis-Yes; Limbaugh-Yes; Louwagie-Yes; Nugent-Yes; Owen-Yes and Vinci-Yes.  Nays-0.  Carried.

  5. Classified Retirement Models-Tabled until the Fall.

  6. Vinci moved to approve the swimming agreement with West Bend/Mallard for the 2020-21 school year, seconded by Nugent.  Roll Call vote was taken.  Bartelt-Yes; Davis-Yes; Limbaugh-Yes; Louwagie-Yes; Nugent-Yes; Owen-Yes and Vinci-Yes.  Nays-0 Carried.

  7. Louwagie moved to approve the budget for the 2020-21 school year with a tax rate of 10.69, seconded by Bartelt.  Roll Call vote was taken.  Bartelt-Yes; Davis-Yes; Limbaugh-Yes; Louwagie-Yes; Nugent-Yes; Owen-Yes and Vinci-Yes.  Nays-0.  Carried.



  1.  Vinci moved to approve the new contract for Haley Rochadtl-5th/6th Grade English Language Arts Teacher; Todd VanOtterloo-High School Special Education Teacher; Matt Stein-High School Science Teacher; Kjerstin Brand-Middle School TAG/English Language Arts Teacher; Brooke Fonley- Middle School Softball Coach; Jared Cecil-Head Boys Basketball Coach and Gregg Wellman-9th Grade Softball Coach, seconded by Owen.  Roll Call vote was taken.  Bartelt-Yes; Davis-Yes; Limbaugh-Yes, Louwagie-Yes; Nugent-Yes; Owen-Yes and Vinci-Yes.  Nays-0.  Carried.

  2. Owen moved to approve the resignations pending suitable replacements for Jennifer Kirsch-Mock Trial Coach; Mike Ford-Head Girls Basketball Coach and Shelley Louwagie-Middle School Quiz Bowl Sponsor.  Kristy Allison-Middle School Computers/Tag Teacher; Mary Lou Morz-Teacher Associate; Darlen Prothman- Teacher Associate; Debie Thilges-

APRIL 13, 2020


  1. Teacher Associate; Connie Lappe-Teacher Associate; Todd VanOtterloo-TNT Instructor, Karissa Rempe-Middle School Special Education Teacher, seconded by Nugent.  Roll Call vote was taken.  Bartelt-Yes; Davis-Yes; Limbaugh-Yes; Louwagie-Yes; Nugent-Yes; Owen-Yes and Vinci-Yes.  Nays 0, Carried.


No further business.  Bartelt moved to adjourn the meeting at  7:55 p.m., seconded by Louwagie.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.

jcarter@algona… Thu, 04/23/2020 - 09:36

Minutes - 2020.05.11

Minutes - 2020.05.11


MAY 11, 2020


The Board of Education of the Algona Community School District met in regular session on May 11, 2020.  President Davis called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Directors Bartelt, Davis, Limbaugh, Louwagie, Nugent, Owen and Vinci answered roll call.


Others Present:  Jared Cecil & Bryan Nelson and community members were able to attend meeting via Zoom.


Approve Agenda:  Louwagie moved to approve the agenda as posted, seconded by Vinci.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.


Consent Items:  Bartelt audited invoices and found everything to be in order.  Nugent moved to approve the consent items, seconded by Bartelt.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.


Board Reports:  The elementary staff provided pizza for the board members as May is Board Appreciation Month.


Superintendent’s Report:

  1.  Superintendent Carter thanked the School Board for their continued work for the District and had certificates for each board member.

  2. Prom and Graduation have been postponed and dates have been set for each of those.  June 20-Prom and June 28-Graduation.  There will be more guidance in the coming weeks that will determine what those events will look like.

  3. The school district’s Return to Learn Plan is due on July 1.


Communications to the Board:

  1.  Summer Retreat for the school board will be June 25 at 2:30 p.m.


Administrative Reports:

  1.  Jared Cecil presented the names of the Senior Class that will be graduating this year on June 28 at 2:00 p.m.


New Business:

a. Vinci moved to approve the graduate list of 102 seniors to graduate this year, seconded by Limbaugh.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.

  1. Resolution to Study Reorganization- A motion was made by Limbaugh, seconded by Louwagie, to approve the following resolution: 

  1.  The board adopts this resolution jointly with the Lu Verne Community School District.

  2. To study the question of undergoing reorganization

  3. To occur on or before July 1, 2024  Motion carried unanimously.

  1. Open Enrollment-None


MAY 11, 2020


  1. Owen moved to approve the quote from Apple Store for Education Institution for 110 MacBook Air Laptops for $109,890, seconded by Bartelt.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.

  2. Nugent moved to approve the KRHC Nursing Services Agreement for the 2020-2021 school year at the same cost as the 2019-2020 agreement, seconded by Vinci.  Ayes 6, Nays 0, Abstained-Owen. Carried.

  3. Limbaugh moved to approve the 2020-2021 Lunch Rates which will increase .10, seconded by Bartelt.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.

  4. Owen moved to approve the Pan-O-Gold Bread Bid for the 2020-2021 school year which is a total increase of $368 from the 2019-2020 bid, seconded by Nugent.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.

  5. Vinci moved to Table the approval for use of PPEL Funds for a new schoreboard/video board (football field), seconded by Owen.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.

  6. Owen moved to approve the Algona Association of Educators Agreement for the 2020-2021 school year, seconded by Vinci.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.

  7. Vinci moved to approve the Algona Educational Services Association Agreement for the 2020-2021 school year, seconded by Nugent.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.

  8. Louwagie moved to approve a 2.5% increase for all employees not covered by the Master Contract, seconded by Bartelt.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.

  9. Vinci moved to approve Becky Hacket-Kluver as Leadership Coach for the 2020-2021 school year, seconded by Owen.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.

  10. Limbaugh moved to set the day and time for a Public Hearing to Amend the 2019-2020 Budget for June 8, 2020 at 7:00 p.m., seconded by Bartelt.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.



  1.  Bartelt moved to approve the new contracts of Noel McLaughlin-Head Girls Basketball Coach; Chad Slagle-Field Maintenance; Travis Birkey-High School Industrial Technology; Melissa Birkey-Middle School ELA/Computers; Natalie Knobloch-Middle School Special Education; Morgan Kuecker-High School EL; Kristy Riggert-Cheerleading Coach and Jacob Adam-TNT Instructor, seconded by Louwagie.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.

  2. Owen moved to approve the resignations/retirement of Dave Wagner-Bus Route Driver and Pat Conner-Teacher Associate, seconded by Vinci.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.


Bartelt moved to go into Closed Session at 8:28 p.m. according to Iowa Code 21.5(1)(i) for the Superintendent Performance Review, seconded by Bartelt.  Roll Call vote was taken.  Bartelt-Aye, Davis-Aye, Limbaugh-Aye, Louwagie-Aye, Nugent-Aye, Owen-Aye and Vinci-Aye.  Nays 0, Carried.


Vinci moved to go into open session at 9:09 p.m., seconded by Bartelt.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.


No further business.  Limbaugh moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 p.m., seconded by Bartelt.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.

jcarter@algona… Fri, 05/15/2020 - 15:47

Minutes - 2020.06.08

Minutes - 2020.06.08


JUNE 8, 2020


The Board of Education of the Algona Community School District met in regular session on June 8, 2020.  President Davis called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Directors Bartelt, Davis, Limbaugh, Louwagie, Nugent, Owen and Vinci answered roll call.


Others Present:  Superintendent Carter, Secretary Cooper, Brian Wilson, Jedd Freeburg and Rod Beenken.


PUBLIC HEARING of the 2019-2020 BUDGET AMENDMENT – 7:00 p.m.

There were no written objection and no oral objections.  Public Hearing was adjourned at 7:03 p.m.



Approve Agenda:  Vinci moved to approve the agenda as posted, seconded by Bartelt.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.


Consent Items:  Limbaugh audited invoices and found everything to be in order.  Owen moved to approve the consent items, seconded by Louwagie.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.


Superintendent’s Report:

a. High School Baseball and Softball practice started on June 1.  Games will begin on June 15.  Several mitigation efforts have been put in place to help keep our students safe.

b. Return to Learn Plan is progressing well and is being worked on by 5 sub-committees.

c. June 20 will be Prom 2020.  The current guidelines will not allow us to put on a “traditional” prom but we have tried to create a student event that will allow student to still showcase themselves and have a little fund.

d. Graduation is scheduled for June 28 and we have been working through different plans and options.


Communications to the Board:

a. June 25 from 2:30-5:30 is the Board Retreat.


New Business:

a. Vinci moved to approve the Budget Amendment in the areas of Non-instruction Program from $725,00 to $800,000 and Other Expenditures from $1,570,277 to $3,000,000, seconded by Nugent.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.

b. Owen moved to approve a stipend increase for Instructional Coaches from $5,000 to $6,000, seconded by Bartelt.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.

c. Owen moved to approve a stipend for the Dean of Students position at $5,000, seconded by Louwagie.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.

d. Nugent moved to approve hiring a Technology Assistant which would be a full time  hourly position, seconded by Vinci.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.

JUNE 8, 2020


e. Owen moved to approve the open enrollment application for the 2020-21 school year as it was filed in a timely manner, seconded by Bartelt.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.

f.  Owen moved to award the auditor bid to Nolte, Cornman & Johnson for a 3 year period, seconded by Limbaugh.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.

g. Limbaugh moved to approve a purchase of a new school vehicle at a cost of $14,250, seconded by Louwagie.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.

h. Louwagie moved to accept the quote from Midwest Track at a cost of $49,900, seconded by Owen.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.

i.  Nugent moved to accept the quote from Blacktop Services at a cost of $36,000, seconded by Vinci.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.

j.  Owen moved to approve the Grant Wood Software Renewal Agreement for the 2020-2021 school year at a cost of $15,506, seconded by Bartelt.. Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.

k. Limbaugh moved to authorize the School Business Official to make payments through the month of June so that the fiscal year can be closed in a timely manner, seconded by Nugent.. Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.



a. Vinci moved to approve the new contract of Spencer Holmes as Middle School Baseball Coach, seconded by Bartelt.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.

b. Owen moved to accept the resignations of Rita Menke-Teacher Associate at Lucia Wallace; Connie Adams-Custodian at Lucia Wallace; Brian Morgan-Head Middle School Wrestling Coach (Pending Suitable Replacement); and Nancy Simonson-Food Service, seconded by Louwagie.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.


Owen moved that the board go into closed session according to Iowa Code 21.5(1)(i) for Superintendent Evaluation, seconded by Nugent.  Roll Call vote was taken.

Bartelt-Aye; Davis-Aye; Limbaugh-Aye; Louwagie-Aye; Nugent-Aye; Owen-Aye and Vinci-Aye.  The board entered into closed session at 7:50 p.m.


Limbaugh moved to go into open session at 8:45 p.m., seconded by Vinci.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.


Owen moved to approve a 3 year superintendent contract at $155,000 for 2020-2021, seconded by Vinci.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.


No further business.  Owen moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:46 p.m., seconded by Limbaugh.  Ayes 7, Nays 0, Carried.

jcarter@algona… Tue, 06/16/2020 - 14:57