803.1 - Disposition of Obolete Equipment of Obsolete Equipment

803.1 - Disposition of Obolete Equipment of Obsolete Equipment

School property, such as equipment, furnishings, or supplies (hereafter equipment), will be disposed of when it is determined to be of no further use to the school district.  It is the objective of the school district in disposing of the equipment to achieve the best available price or most economical disposal.

Obsolete equipment or property other than real property having a value of no more than $25,000 may be sold or disposed of in a manner determined by the board.  The Superintendent or his or her designee shall be authorized to dispose of such furnishings, equipment, and or supplies by various methods including auctions, bids, disposal, first come first served, gifting to nonprofits, etc. However, the sale or disposition of equipment, furnishings or supplies disposed of in this manner may be published in a newspaper of general circulation or other media platforms managed by the district.  The publication of the sale or disposition may be published with at least one insertion each week for two consecutive weeks.  Any other disposition may be done in any other manner so with only one insertion in same newspaper

A public hearing will be held regarding the disposal of the equipment with a value of $25,000 or more prior to the board's final decision.  The board will adopt a resolution announcing the proposed sale or disposition and will publish notice of the time and place of the public hearing and the description of the property will be in the resolution.  Notice of the public hearing will be published at least once, but not less than 10 days and not more than 20 days, prior to the hearing date unless otherwise required by law.  Upon completion of the public hearing, the board may dispose of the equipment.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent to make a recommendation to the board regarding the method for disposing of equipment of no further use to the school district



Legal Reference:        
Iowa Code §§ 297.22-.25 (2013).






dawn@iowaschoo… Sat, 01/25/2020 - 15:49