803 - Selling and Leasing

803 - Selling and Leasing dawn@iowaschoo… Sat, 01/25/2020 - 15:49

401.10 - School Credit Cards

401.10 - School Credit Cards

The school district may maintain a school district credit card for actual and necessary expenses incurred by employees and officers in the performance of their duties.  Actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of work-related duties include, but are not limited to, fuel for school district transportation vehicles used for transporting students to and from school and for school-sponsored events, payment of claims related to professional development of the Board of Directors (Board) and employees, and other expenses required by employees and the Board in the performance of their duties.

Employees and officers using a school district credit card must submit a detailed receipt in addition to a credit card receipt indicating the date, purpose and nature of the expense for each claim item.  Failure to provide a proper receipt shall make the expense a personal expense.  Personal expenses shall be reimbursed to the school district no later than ten working days following use of the school district’s credit card.  In exceptional circumstances, the Superintendent of Schools (Superintendent) or Board may allow a claim without proper receipt.  Written documentation explaining the exceptional circumstances shall be maintained as part of the school district’s record of the claim.

It shall be the responsibility of the Superintendent to determine whether the school district credit card use is for appropriate school business.  It shall be the responsibility of the Board of Directors (Board) to determine through the audit and approval process of the Board whether the school district credit card use is for appropriate school business.



Legal References: 
(Code of Iowa)

Chapter 279.8, 279.29, 279.30 281 I.A.C. 12.3(1)

Date of Adoption:                                                      
March 14, 1994                                                          

Date of Review:
September 19, 2011
May 14, 2018

July 10, 2023 (CHANGE OF # FROM 803.3 to 401.10)


dawn@iowaschoo… Sat, 01/25/2020 - 15:54

803.1 - Disposition of Obolete Equipment of Obsolete Equipment

803.1 - Disposition of Obolete Equipment of Obsolete Equipment

School property, such as equipment, furnishings, or supplies (hereafter equipment), will be disposed of when it is determined to be of no further use to the school district.  It is the objective of the school district in disposing of the equipment to achieve the best available price or most economical disposal.

Obsolete equipment or property other than real property having a value of no more than $25,000 may be sold or disposed of in a manner determined by the board.  The Superintendent or his or her designee shall be authorized to dispose of such furnishings, equipment, and or supplies by various methods including auctions, bids, disposal, first come first served, gifting to nonprofits, etc. However, the sale or disposition of equipment, furnishings or supplies disposed of in this manner may be published in a newspaper of general circulation or other media platforms managed by the district.  The publication of the sale or disposition may be published with at least one insertion each week for two consecutive weeks.  Any other disposition may be done in any other manner so with only one insertion in same newspaper

A public hearing will be held regarding the disposal of the equipment with a value of $25,000 or more prior to the board's final decision.  The board will adopt a resolution announcing the proposed sale or disposition and will publish notice of the time and place of the public hearing and the description of the property will be in the resolution.  Notice of the public hearing will be published at least once, but not less than 10 days and not more than 20 days, prior to the hearing date unless otherwise required by law.  Upon completion of the public hearing, the board may dispose of the equipment.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent to make a recommendation to the board regarding the method for disposing of equipment of no further use to the school district



Legal Reference:        
Iowa Code §§ 297.22-.25 (2013).






dawn@iowaschoo… Sat, 01/25/2020 - 15:49

803.2 - Lease, Sale or Disposal of School District Buildings and Sites

803.2 - Lease, Sale or Disposal of School District Buildings and Sites


Policy 803.02: Lease, Sale or Disposal of School District Buildings & Sites


Original Adopted Date: 1/15/1990 | Last Revised Date08/12/2024 | Last Reviewed Date: 08/12/2024




Policy 905.03: Weapons in the School District


Original Adopted Date: 09/13/2021 | Last Revised Date: 08/12/2024 | Last Reviewed Date: 08/12/2024



The board believes weapons, other dangerous objects and look-a-likes in school district facilities and at school district-approved events cause material and substantial disruption to the school environment or present a threat to the health and safety of students, employees and visitors on the school district premises or property within the jurisdiction of the school district.

All weapons, dangerous objects and look-a-likes are prohibited to be carried, possessed, transported or otherwise stored on school district property and to school district-approved events.  Exceptions to this policy include weapons carried by the following individuals in performance of their official duties: 

  • law enforcement; 
  • military personnel;
  • corrections officers;
  • individuals approved in writing by the Superintendent;
  • students and individuals approved in writing by the Superintendent who are actively engaging in a school district approved firearms safety course, hunter education course or shooting sports activity; and
  • School security officers and/or school resource officers in accordance with all applicable laws.

Individuals found to be in violation of this district policy will be required to immediately remove the weapon, dangerous object or look-a-likes from the school district property or event.  Students found to be in violation of this policy or any other board policies related to weapons will be subject to disciplinary proceedings.  Employees found in violation of this policy may be subject to discipline, up to and including termination.

The district shall not authorize staff members to carry firearms on school grounds in accordance with Iowa Code 724.6.

Note: The legislature made changes to decriminalize the carrying of firearms on campus by certain individuals if certain circumstances are met.  However, much like creating tobacco-free campuses, schools maintain the authority to choose whether to place additional limitations on the carrying of firearms on district property as needed to protect the health and safety of students and staff.


NOTE:  Schools Boards of districts with a total enrollment of 8,000 students or more must vote whether to employ or retain a private school security officer or school resource officer to guard each attendance center where students in grades 9-12 regularly attend classes.  If the board decides to do so, the relevant italicized language should be adopted into policy, and the non-relevant language removed.  Districts with total enrollment less than 8,000 students are not required to vote but may choose to do so.


NOTE: Districts that wish to consider arming staff should work closely with their insurance providers and legal counsel to craft appropriate regulations necessary to fit this option.  Any regulations should be customized to suit the needs of individual districts, and developed closely with input from the same stakeholders the district uses to craft their emergency operations plans.


Legal Reference:

18 U.S.C. § 921 
Iowa Code §§ 279.8; .84; 280.21B; 483A.27(11), 724 
281 I.A.C. 12.3(6)



I.C. Iowa Code


Iowa Code  § 279.8

Directors - General Rules - Bonds of Employees

Iowa Code  § 280.21B


Iowa Code  § 483A.27

Hunter Education Program

Iowa Code  § 724


I.A.C. Iowa Administrative Code


281 I.A.C. 12.3


U.S.C. - United States Code


18 U.S.C. § 921

Crimes - Criminal Procedures - Firearms

dawn@iowaschoo… Sat, 01/25/2020 - 15:50