607.2 - Student Health Services

607.2 - Student Health Services


Policy 607.02: Student Health Services


Original Adopted Date: 12/14/1992 | Last Revised Date: 08/12/2024 | Last Reviewed Date: 08/12/2024



Health services are an integral part of assisting all students to increase learning, achievement, and performance.  Health services coordinate and support existing programs to assist each student in the achievement of an optimal state of physical, mental and social well-being.  Student health services ensure continuity and create linkages between school, home, and community service providers.  The school district’s needs, and resources determine the linkages.

Except in emergent care situations or child abuse assessments, the district will not administer invasive physical examinations or health screenings of a student that are not required by state or federal law without first obtaining the written consent of the student’s parent or guardian.  

  • Emergent care situation means a sudden or unforeseen occurrence of onset of a medical or behavioral condition that could result in serious injury or harm to a student or others in the event immediate medical attention is not provided.  Emergent care situations include the need to screen a student or others for symptoms or exposures during an outbreak or public health event of concern as designated by the department of public health.  
  • Invasive physical examination means any medical examination that involves the exposure of private body parts or any act during such examination that includes incision, insertion, or injection into the body, but does not include a hearing, vision, dental or scoliosis screening.  
  • Student health screening means an intentionally planned, periodic process to identify if students may be at risk for a health concern and to determine if a referral for an in-depth assessment is needed to consider appropriate health services.  Student health screening does not include an episodic, individual screening done in accordance with professional licensed practice.

The superintendent, in conjunction with the (school nurse, health advisory committee, public health nurse, school health team, etc.) will develop administrative regulations implementing this policy.  The superintendent will provide a written report on the role of health services in the education program to the board annually.

Note:    This is a mandatory policy.  If a school district will be using federal money to perform physical exams or screenings on students, the school district must annually notify parents of the exam or screening except for hearing, vision or scoliosis.  The following language is suggested:

“The school district will annually notify parents of physical exams or screenings conducted on students except for vision, hearing or scoliosis.”


Legal Reference:

42 U.S.C. §§ 12101 et  seq. 
34 C.F.R. pt. 99, 104, 200, 300 et seq.
29 U.S.C. § 794(a)
28 C.F.R. 35
20 U.S.C. 1232g § 1400 6301 et seq..
Iowa Code §§ 22.7, 139A.3. .8, .21; 143.1, 152, 256.7(24), .11, 279; 280.23 . 
281 I.A.C. 12.3(4), (7), (11); 12.4(12); 12.8
282 I.A.C. 22.
641 I.A.C. 7.
655 I.A.C. 6



I.C. Iowa Code


Iowa Code  § 139A

Communicable/Infectious Diseases

Iowa Code  § 143.1

Public Health  Nurses

Iowa Code  § 152


Iowa Code  § 22.7

Confidential Records

Iowa Code  § 256.11

DE - Educational Standards

Iowa Code  § 256.7

DE - Duties of State Board

Iowa Code  § 279

Directors - Powers and Duties

Iowa Code  § 280.23

Student Health Services

I.A.C. Iowa Administrative Code


281 I.A.C. 12.3


281 I.A.C. 12.4

School Personnel

281 I.A.C. 12.8

General Accreditation Standards - Student Achievement

282 I.A.C. 22

Educational Examiners - Authorizations

641 I.A.C. 7

Public Health - Immunizations

655 I.A.C 6


U.S.C. - United States Code


20 U.S.C. § 1232g

Education - FERPA

20 U.S.C. § 6301

Education - Elementary and Secondary Improvement

20 U.S.C. 1400

Education - IDEA - Findings, Purposes

29 U.S.C. §§ 794

Labor - Vocation Rehab Rights

42 U.S.C. § 12101

Public Health - Equal Opportunity - Disabilities

C.F.R. - Code of Federal Regulations


28 C.F.R. 35

Judicial - Disability - Nondiscrimination

34 C.F.R. Pt. 104

Education - Nondiscrimination on Basis of Handicap

34 C.F.R. Pt. 200

Education - Academic Achievement of Disadvantaged

34 C.F.R. Pt. 300

Education - Disabilities/Children/Assistance to States

34 C.F.R. Pt. 99

Education - Family Rights and Privacy

Cross References




Entrance - Admissions


Testing Program


Administration of Medication to Students


Administration of Medication to Students - Authorization - Asthma,  Airway Constricting or Respiratory Distress Medication Self-Administration Consent Form


Administration of Medication to Students - Parental Authorization and Release Form for the Administration of Medication  or Special Health Services to Students


Administration of Medication to Students - Parental Authorization and Release Form for Independent Self Carry and Administration of Prescribed Medication or Independent Delivery of Health Services by the Student


Administration of Medication to Students - Parental Authorization and Release Form for the Administration of Voluntary School Stock of Over-the-Counter Medication to Students

dawn@iowaschoo… Thu, 01/23/2020 - 17:54

607.2R1 - Student Health Services Regulation

607.2R1 - Student Health Services Regulation

I.  Student Health Services  - Each school building may develop a customized student health services program within comprehensive school improvement based on its
    unique needs and resources. Scientific advances, laws, and school improvement necessitate supports to students with health needs to receive their education

Supports to improve student achievement include:

  • qualified health personnel
  • school superintendent, school nurse, and school health team working collaboratively
  • family and community involvement
  • optimal student health services program with commitment to its continuing improvement

Components provided within a coordinated school health program include:

  • health services
  • nutrition
  • healthy, safe environment
  • staff wellness
  • health education
  • physical education and activity
  • counseling, psychological, and social services
  • family and community innvolement

Student health services are provided to identify health needs; facilitate access to health care; provide for health needs related to educational achievement; promote health, well-being, and safety; and plan and develop the health services program.

II.  Student Health Services Essential Functions

     A.  Identify student health needs:

  1.  Provide individual initial and annual health assessments
  2.  Provide needed health screenings
  3.  Maintain and update confidential health records
  4.  Communicate (written, oral, electronic) health needs as consistent with confidentiality laws

     B.  Facilitate student access to physical and mental health services:

  1. Link students to community resources and monitor follow through
  2. Promote increased access and referral to primary health care financial resources such as Medicaid, HAWK-I, social security, and community health clinics
  3. Encourage appropriate use of heath care

     C.  Provide for student health needs related to educational achievement:

  1. Manage chronic and acute illnesses
  2. Provide special health procedures and medication including delegation, training, and supervision of qualified designated school personnel
  3. Develop, implement, evaluate, and revise individual health plans (IHPs) for all students with special health needs according to mandates in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Rehabilitation Act (Section 504), and American with Disabilities Act (ADA)
  4. Provide urgent and emergency care for individual and group illness and injury
  5. Prevent and control communicable disease and monitor immunizations
  6. Promote optimal mental health
  7. Promote a safe school facility and a safe school environment
  8. Participate in and attend team meetings as a team member and health consultant

     D.  Promote student health, well-being, and safety to foster healthy living:

  1. Provide developmentally appropriate health education and health counseling for individuals and groups
  2. Encourage injury and disease prevention practices
  3. Promote personal and public health practices
  4. Provide health promotion and injury and disease prevention education

     E.  Plan and develop the student health services program collaboratively with the superintendent, school nurse, and school health team:

  1. Gather and interpret data to evaluate needs and performance
  2. Establish health advisory council and school health team
  3. Develop health procedures and guidelines
  4. Collaborate with staff, families, and community
  5. Maintain and update confidential student school health records
  6. Coordinate program with all school health components
  7. Coordinate with school improvement
  8. Evaluate and revise the health service program to meet changing needs
  9. Organize scheduling and direct health services staff
  10. Develop student health services annual status report
  11. Coordinate information and program delivery within the school and between school and major constituents
  12. Provide health services by qualified health professionals to effectively deliver services, including multiple levels of school health expertise such as registered nurses, physicians, and advanced registered nurse practitioners
  13. Provide for professional development for school health services staff

III.  Expanded Health Services

These additional health services address learning barriers and the lack of access to health care. Examples include school-based services in the school, school-linked services connected to the school, primary care, mental health, substance abuse, and dental health.


dawn@iowaschoo… Thu, 01/23/2020 - 17:55